Tuesday, November 12, 2013

2013-11-12 Bench


Bench -
Very easy. Pleasant, even.
I'm gripping at pinkies on the rings and pulling apart more than bending in (ie emphasizing abduction over internal rotation). This seems to be working quite well.

Pull-Ups -
5, 4, 3, etc.
I didn't really keep count here, I'm just pretty sure I beat 30.
Focusing on depressing my scapulae and then engaging my lats. My right side is still less active, so that's a little easier said than done. See below for some comments on soft tissue.

Curls -
Plus an extra few on the last set. Lots of rest-pause here, presumably because of the pull-ups.
I did these at a close grip (pinkies next to the smooth) and had some wrist complaints; I'm not sure exactly what I'll do to compensate for that.

Band Pull-Aparts -
Mini, 40x3
40ish, rather. Did less on the first set.

Erg -
8 minutes at ~3:10 pace, 1 minute rest, 1 minute sprint at 2:00
I may switch the first 8 minutes here to strapless to really hammer technique. I don't need to be burning a lot of calories here, and my times and joints will benefit from the form change.

RE: Soft Tissue
Right now I have three main complaints, plus one:
1) Right shoulder inactivity and scapular instability
2) Quad pain from squatting
3) Rotational imbalance that affects my pull
D) Dysfunctional (knock-kneed/collapsed arch) gait

1) Go back to doing rib mobes on the lacrosse ball to help restore stability
2) Couch stretch and foam rolling to loosen things up and calm down the fascia
3&D) Identify deficient ankle mobes and perform them to equalize and improve mobility

Reading through more material also makes me think I should experiment with the ChianFu pattern for both squatting and erging.

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