Monday, November 18, 2013

2013-11-18 Push Press


Push Press -
110x5x3 (+1)
I forgot the microplates again.
The first set felt heavy and slow; the second and third moved much faster. I'm going to modify my warmup protocol to include heavier work; see below.
I'm going to work harder to keep my spine neutral - I slipped into extension too frequently today.

Pull-Ups -
5, 5...something. I hit 30.

Extensions -
I kept the rests fairly short, so the third set got very hard. I'll keep track of the times once I've got a paper log.

Curls -
See previous.

Band Pullapart - Doubled Micro*20, 20, 10
Band ER - Micro*10, 10, 10

Tack and floss for rotators. I discovered today that I have almost no internal rotation in either shoulder.

Elliptical -
10 minutes, ~155bpm
I'll stick with this for a while - I need to loosen up my shoulders before I go back to rowing, and this does at least as much to keep my legs working.

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