Friday, July 9, 2010

2010-07-09 SE Lower

Dieselcrew Warmup, GHRs, Leg Swings, Side Swings

Squats: 135, 185, 225
6x3 - 255lbs
Repeating last squat cycle.
I've noticed a mild problem - as I get more warmed up, my back seems to get a mild pump, and this forces the bar higher up on my delts/traps. First warmup set of squats always has the bar in this awesome position with great tightness, and then it climbs a bit and feels out of place. Or maybe this is just my back being warmer and not registering the same sensation of the weight pressing down on it.
Anyway, first rep of each set was generally pretty good, second varied, third was almost universally shit with falling forward. Need to make sure I'm driving up and back properly.

Deadlifts: 135, 225
3x1 - 275lbs
Holy fucking shit, polygonal plates blow. I didn't feel in position for these at all, and I have a strong suspicion it's because I'm used to rolling the bar back slightly as I'm entering the final phases of my setup, and couldn't do that here. These were just horrible.

Rack Pulls: 225
3x5 - 315lbs
First set felt great, second and third were slightly harder. I was stuck cutting some volume short here because I needed to get back to the condo in a hurry.
Didn't go up in weight on account of my having not gained my way back up. I'm GOMADing once I my family GTFOs. Sled work should keep the bulk down somewhat.

30-Degree Incline Shrugs:
3x10 - 35s
Didn't feel as good as last time.

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