Sunday, July 18, 2010

2010-07-18 SE Upper

I started on my "diet" for bulking a few days back; it consists of three pretty much pure-paleo meals of meat and greens+carrots for the first portion of the day, followed by with a ~2lb fruit smoothie around training (either before or after; so far it's been before for lifting and after for sled work), varying large quantities of milk after training, and a final meal mixed in at the end. This totals to around 5,000-6,000 kcal per day and, while challenging - particularly when I find myself inadvertently taking time out of my schedule to mess around - seems fairly solid. BRB, quart of milk.

Today went epicly, possibly because of the extra calories.

Warmup (no GHR etc. this time, due to shin concerns)

Bench: 45, 45, 95, 95, 95, 135
6x3 - 155lbs
I'm getting better and better at making myself uncomfortable on the bench, and at using the middle fingers-on-rings grip width. Need to make sure I'm taking my fish oil and massaging my forearms (and taking care to keep the wrist angle proper) to avoid fucking my wrists up.
The first rep of every set felt pretty great. Others were variable.
Saba and I are getting anal and doing the commands for every set, with the Press command on every single rep. This is somewhat lulz-worthy, but the pause should help out quite a lot.

Floor Press: 95
160lbs - 5, 5, 5, 4, 4
Failed the 5th rep on the 4th set, didn't bother with it on the last one.

DB Floor:
50s - 10, 10, 10, 7, 9

Seated Cable Row with Shitty Handle:
10x 70, 80, 80
Shoulders weren't appreciating this that much. Urgh. Need to roll them.

SE Upper Prehab Circuit

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