Sunday, July 25, 2010

2010-07-25 SE Upper

First shot on new bench cycle. It kinda sucked, but this is because I fail at keeping my arch when benching for reps. Given that I need to work on this...yeah. 4s are a bit of a doozy here. x.x
I'm going to pencil in the next two months or so of training so I actually remember to do the shit I said I'd do.

Warmup: Included some foam rolling today.

Bench: 45, 45, 45, 95, 95, 135
5x4 - 150lbs
As noted above, I tend to lose my arch. The first rep of the final set felt great, though - I need to get into the habit of really pulling the bar out with my lats.

Press: 45, 45
120lbs - 5, 4, 4, 4, 4
I'm torn on whether or not I should increase the weight here. On the one hand, I'm down by 16% on the total number of reps I'm supposed to have done. On the other, I'm going to be a good 3lbs heavier this time next week. >.>

DB Floor:
5x10 - 50s

Seated Cable Row:
5x10 - 80lbs
Using the "Ox Horns" handle.
Decent feeling in lats, but Saba wasn't getting anything and this puts a rather annoying strain on the back of my left shoulder. I suspect this is partially because of my grip on deads, but still.
Might try switching to barbell rows.

Circuit: 2x10
Face Pull - 10lbs
Prone Internal Rotation: 2.5s
Inverted Rows
Plate Halos (25lbs)

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