Friday, July 23, 2010

2010-07-23 SE Lower

Warmup and Calf Stretching

Squat: 95, 95, 135, 135, 135, 180, 225
6x3 - 270lbs
...holy crap. It didn't actually occur to me what this weight was.
Training partners are useful, aren't they? Having Saba around keeps my mind off of what weight I'm lifting and on lifting it properly. These weren't the best squats I've ever done, but they were a damn sight better than some of the ones I've done in the past, and my form's improving just from knowing that I'm accountable to someone there.
Weighed in at about 168 for the last two days, post-piss but pre-shit. Anything less than 171 next Friday will be grounds for some kind of punishment, presumably an increase in sled volume.
Didn't do sled work yesterday because I was deliriously hungry to the point of not feeling hungry anymore. My GSI threatened to eat me in Chem Lab if I didn't hurry up, and while the responses I thought of but didn't use were mostly innuendos, the thought occurs that I was getting damn close to hungry enough to eat her first. Maybe I should next time.

Deadlift: 185, 225
5x1 - 245lbs
Felt lazy, just used Saba's weight. Formalizing the cycles tonight.

Front Squat: 135, 185
215lbs - 5, 5, 5, 4
Might have had a full 5x5 in me if I'd gotten a bit more pissed, but I'm still getting the hang of seating the bar properly.

Kroc Row: 2x10 strictish warmup w/ 30lbs
20ea x 60lbs
Cheating to hell and back - almost to the point of the last few being heavy negatives. Going to watch some Kroc videos to look at these a bit closer. >.>


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