Tuesday, July 20, 2010

2010-07-20 Sled Work and Program Note

115lbs (Sled = 20, plus 25, 25, 10, 10, 5, 5, 5, 5, 2.5, 2.5 - feel free to call me out if I fucked up this math, I'm kinda tired right now, for obvious reasons)

5 trips from the sign to the pole and back, 1 minute between. Then haphazard backward pulls to get it back to the condo.

Dunno if this was willpower or me actually getting better. I'll probably just keep adding trips until I can get some 45s.

If Saba and I can get a consistent spot for board press, I may have us switch to an 8-week cycle; probably be Front Squat, Squat, Rack Pull, Deadlift for lower and Bench, Floor Press, 1-Board, 2-Board for upper. This would also allow us to try having 4 week "blocks" of lower targeted at improving one of the two main lifts (four weeks of squat emphasis with light deads leading up to the heavy squat single, four weeks of dead emphasis with light squats leading up to the dead single). Jacob's expressed some support for lengthening the ME Cycles, but I'm not sold on changing anything yet because although I suspect Saba and I will both benefit form more heavy low back and deadlift volume (Prilepin Table deads, ME Rack Pulls) and more time spent playing with relatively big weights on core movements in general, I also know that there's a good chance that I'm going to make insane gains over the next cycle anyway just from adding mass, and that there's nothing particularly "broken" about what we're doing now.

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