Squat -
Easier than I remember the last ones.
Working on getting a stretch in my hamstrings at the bottom.
Pull-Up -
30 (2s and 3s)
Figured out that I can do these off the front door frame. Benching is now my only reason to go to the office.
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
2013-10-30 Push Press
Pull-Ups -
Didn't have time to do the full workout at the office.
Push Press -
Getting some complaints in my shoulders and bicep tendons. Good thing I have my lacrosse balls.
I still need to work harder on driving these up as hard as possible.
Extensions -
Tried gripping both only on the smooth and at the very edge of the rough; I didn't notice any difference. Apparently the closer grip is easier on most peoples' elbows, as is using an EZ-Bar.
Didn't have time to do the full workout at the office.
Push Press -
Getting some complaints in my shoulders and bicep tendons. Good thing I have my lacrosse balls.
I still need to work harder on driving these up as hard as possible.
Extensions -
Tried gripping both only on the smooth and at the very edge of the rough; I didn't notice any difference. Apparently the closer grip is easier on most peoples' elbows, as is using an EZ-Bar.
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
2013-10-29 Deads
Warmup (sans OHS)
Deadlift -
Harder than it should have been.
Skipped out on ab work because it's late and I'm a pussy.
Deadlift -
Harder than it should have been.
Skipped out on ab work because it's late and I'm a pussy.
Monday, October 28, 2013
2013-10-28 Bench
Warmup (sans OHS)
Bench -
Right shoulder has switched off; I'm not sure what I did to get it back last time. The bar here is very thick, so thumbless doesn't really work. I'm basically having to relearn bench.
BB Curl -
Not that easy.
Pull-Ups -
In future, I'll do these before the curls.
Rear Delt Fly -
12x 5, 7.5, 10, 12.5, 15
Erg, 3-minute pace, Drag 5, 9 minutes; spring at 1:50-2:00 pace 1 minute
Bench -
Right shoulder has switched off; I'm not sure what I did to get it back last time. The bar here is very thick, so thumbless doesn't really work. I'm basically having to relearn bench.
BB Curl -
Not that easy.
Pull-Ups -
In future, I'll do these before the curls.
Rear Delt Fly -
12x 5, 7.5, 10, 12.5, 15
Erg, 3-minute pace, Drag 5, 9 minutes; spring at 1:50-2:00 pace 1 minute
Sunday, October 27, 2013
2013-10-27 Squat
Squat -
Did the 45 and 95 sets without actually putting the bar down; it's fairly easy to hold high-bar, so I just walked around with it for a few seconds before starting again.
Used a pair of dining chairs and some scraps of 2x4 to improvise stands for the 135 and 185 sets. I had to do an Anderson squat and then step back to "unrack" it, but still worked out. It felt heavier than I remember, but that makes sense given how long it's been since I squatted.
No GHR, so next best thing.
Band "Pulldown"
20, 20, 10
As yesterday
NG Cuban -
Might sub these out for delt flyes or something; now it's like a face pull that's harder on my shoulder.
Squat -
Did the 45 and 95 sets without actually putting the bar down; it's fairly easy to hold high-bar, so I just walked around with it for a few seconds before starting again.
Used a pair of dining chairs and some scraps of 2x4 to improvise stands for the 135 and 185 sets. I had to do an Anderson squat and then step back to "unrack" it, but still worked out. It felt heavier than I remember, but that makes sense given how long it's been since I squatted.
No GHR, so next best thing.
Band "Pulldown"
20, 20, 10
As yesterday
NG Cuban -
Might sub these out for delt flyes or something; now it's like a face pull that's harder on my shoulder.
2013-10-26 Push Press
Warmup - Diesel, OHS, Bridge
Push Press -
Need to work on really blasting the weight up. Sets of five are a pain in the ass now that I'm detrained.
BB Skullcrusher -
Heavy focus on keeping my elbows in.
Band "Pulldown" -
Did the first two sets as clusters (2x10ea with no rest). Considered going for 100 but decided to split the volume up since I'm doing these every day for the next week or so.
3 days of intense desk work has totally deactivated my right lat. Fixing time.
Standing DB Cuban -
Need to focus on how my scapulae sit on my back when I'm doing this.
I also just realized that doing these with hands pronated is actually counterproductive; I'll try neutral from now on.
Push Press -
Need to work on really blasting the weight up. Sets of five are a pain in the ass now that I'm detrained.
BB Skullcrusher -
Heavy focus on keeping my elbows in.
Band "Pulldown" -
Did the first two sets as clusters (2x10ea with no rest). Considered going for 100 but decided to split the volume up since I'm doing these every day for the next week or so.
3 days of intense desk work has totally deactivated my right lat. Fixing time.
Standing DB Cuban -
Need to focus on how my scapulae sit on my back when I'm doing this.
I also just realized that doing these with hands pronated is actually counterproductive; I'll try neutral from now on.
Saturday, October 26, 2013
Programming and Diet
Program-wise, I'm going to swallow my pride on the Pressing issue and go for the LP option, but split up across 6-7 days per week (depending on recovery) to keep me in the gym every day. I'll still focus on Push Press over Strict, though - Pendlay likes it and it won't hurt to build explosiveness and overload at the top.
This basically gives me a 4-day split (Rep*Set):
High Bar Squat 5x3
GHR 8x3
Pull-Up 30 reps
Face Pull 12x5
Bench 5x3
Curl 8x3
Pull-Up 30 reps
Cuban 12x5
Deadlift 5x3
Ab 8x3
Pull-Up 30 reps
Face Pull 12x5
Push Press 5x3
Extensions 8x3
Pull-Up 30 reps
Cuban 12x5
There's some room for maneuvering on the shoulder protection work, but that's the basic pattern. I'll probably integrate some rowing as my shoulder recovers. I'm not sure what I'm going to do for ab work, and may add/substitute more. I haven't decided on a deload schedule, or when I'll start deloading - I'll need to go back over all of my old logs to figure that out, though doing it for the last 4 workouts of each cycle (i.e. 6 high 1 low) sounds pretty good right now.
Starting weights:
185 Squat
135 Bench
225 Dead
95 Push Press
I'll start with Press today.
Cardio-wise, 30-60 minutes fasted rowing in the morning, possibly adding intervals depending on fat loss. Alarm set for a 30-minute snooze, so I can wake up, take the pills, and then just nap for a bit while I wait for them to kick in. I haven't decided on diet, but I'm leaning towards the Nuckols-type approach mentioned before - cyclical keto has me ~wishing for carbs on some of my low-fat days and then getting sick of them on the refeeds. I can still cycle calories, fats, carbs, etc. on the alternative.
Having written that out I think I just made up my mind, actually.
Ultimately, the program will stall out, so I'll shift the movements:
Squat => Front Squat
Bench => Incline (or Floor, if I'm weak at lockout)
Dead => Clean (for 3x5 instead of 5x3) or Deficit Dead
Push Press => Strict Press
After, say, two cycles of each (assuming I even get that far - I'm very aware of my fuckarounditis), I may move off to my Volume-Driven Texas Method variant:
Squat 5x5 @ 90%
Bench/Push Press 5x5 @ 90%
Deadlift ROM Progression
Squat 5x2@ 70%
Push Press/Bench @ 70%
Deficit Speed Pull 1x10
Squat 5x1 (11% over Volume)
Bench/Push Press 5x1 (11% over Volume)
Competition Dead 1x1 (Moderate competition single)
That's subject to modification, but looks reasonable on paper. Ideally, I'd still be training 6-7 days per week, using extra (and presumably lighter) recovery days to fill in the gaps. Ab and direct arm work should probably also join the party; GHRs probably won't be necessary.
This basically gives me a 4-day split (Rep*Set):
High Bar Squat 5x3
GHR 8x3
Pull-Up 30 reps
Face Pull 12x5
Bench 5x3
Curl 8x3
Pull-Up 30 reps
Cuban 12x5
Deadlift 5x3
Ab 8x3
Pull-Up 30 reps
Face Pull 12x5
Push Press 5x3
Extensions 8x3
Pull-Up 30 reps
Cuban 12x5
There's some room for maneuvering on the shoulder protection work, but that's the basic pattern. I'll probably integrate some rowing as my shoulder recovers. I'm not sure what I'm going to do for ab work, and may add/substitute more. I haven't decided on a deload schedule, or when I'll start deloading - I'll need to go back over all of my old logs to figure that out, though doing it for the last 4 workouts of each cycle (i.e. 6 high 1 low) sounds pretty good right now.
Starting weights:
185 Squat
135 Bench
225 Dead
95 Push Press
I'll start with Press today.
Cardio-wise, 30-60 minutes fasted rowing in the morning, possibly adding intervals depending on fat loss. Alarm set for a 30-minute snooze, so I can wake up, take the pills, and then just nap for a bit while I wait for them to kick in. I haven't decided on diet, but I'm leaning towards the Nuckols-type approach mentioned before - cyclical keto has me ~wishing for carbs on some of my low-fat days and then getting sick of them on the refeeds. I can still cycle calories, fats, carbs, etc. on the alternative.
Having written that out I think I just made up my mind, actually.
Ultimately, the program will stall out, so I'll shift the movements:
Squat => Front Squat
Bench => Incline (or Floor, if I'm weak at lockout)
Dead => Clean (for 3x5 instead of 5x3) or Deficit Dead
Push Press => Strict Press
After, say, two cycles of each (assuming I even get that far - I'm very aware of my fuckarounditis), I may move off to my Volume-Driven Texas Method variant:
Squat 5x5 @ 90%
Bench/Push Press 5x5 @ 90%
Deadlift ROM Progression
Squat 5x2
Competition Dead 1x1 (Moderate competition single)
That's subject to modification, but looks reasonable on paper. Ideally, I'd still be training 6-7 days per week, using extra (and presumably lighter) recovery days to fill in the gaps. Ab and direct arm work should probably also join the party; GHRs probably won't be necessary.
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Program Riffing
I realized while watching The Incredibles today that I need to get back into competition and hit it hard, frequently, and successfully. I'll accept any form, but for now it's powerlifting. Victory is important and I haven't had much of it recently.
My favorite programs thus far have been Bulgarian, Linear, and the Texas Method, probably because they all involve some frequency of heavy work. I've posted my Texas Method idea, and my previous Bulgarian experiments have been...mixed. I'm also considering Sheiko.
My last meet performance was 375/215/415 for a 1005 total at 165 (170 walking weight). I intend to beat all of these at 148 at my next competition (minimum 380/220/420), and I've got about 20 weeks to go. My last Bulgarian experience ran 9 weeks and worked quite well for my squat; I'm not sure if I can get it to work for my bench, and I suspect that high-bar squatting and a better approach to speed pulls will handle the deadlift. I also get quad pain from squatting in this style now, but I'll have to get over that anyway.
For cutting weight, I'll start with half an hour of fasted rowing in the morning (and do an experiment without yohimbine or caffeine to figure out the right pace to use for each day). I'm also going to pay very close attention to my mood - it's possible that keto is hitting me harder than I'd like, in which case I'll switch to the mildly TKD-esque approaches I outlined a while back.
For LP, I've tried 3x5 with paused deads and weight gain, and 5x5 with touch-and-go deads and weight loss. That cut was more aggressive than this one, and I don't want to disregard this as an option - I had great success on the 3x5 (albeit with weight gain), can easily mesh the beginning of this with my cut, and can use it to segue into the Texas Method later. It's also one of the most versatile and forgiving.
Here I'd go 3x5 Squat/Bench and Dead/Press, starting 185/135 and 225/95, with chins and external rotation work afterwards. I'd need to go back to my old logs to figure out exactly what I did during the weight gain period. I'm probably most in favor of this to start, actually - 5s with moderate rest are good for testosterone levels, I can get it done quickly each day while I'm working at Cypress, and with 20 weeks I can realistically get somewhere very solid and/or transition to the Texas Method for peaking.
If I take the TM approach, I've got roughly 20 weeks of progress; if we split that into 3 cycles of 6 weeks progress, 1 week deload, you're looking at (ideally) 90lbs on the squat, 45 on the bench, and 75 (jokingly) on the deadlift. I won't be crash cutting this time, so the deadlift progression should actually be sustainable (barring squat interference) starting at 315, and using the 0.75in increments Emevas uses (6-5-4-3-2-0-Deload). High-bar squats, close-grip bench, rows on the light day. This approach also involves a lot of heavy 5s with reasonable rests, which we know are good for testosterone.
Sheiko would have me run #29 4 times and then peak with #32. This will probably be attractive in the future, but right now I think the lack of any real foundation or maxes is kind of a problem.
Bulgarian is...interesting. Broz's recommendation would be max squatting daily plus some backoff doubles/triples, alternating bench and dead for the other 3 days (CG maxes and volume for bench, speed pulls for dead). Suggestions here put a useful cap on the bench volume, though the deadlift advice is a bit lacking. This one's the most compatible with keto. Here's some more specific suggestions. This one has the added bonus of letting me focus on pressing overhead for a bit while I get my shoulder healthier (LP/TM would be less forgiving here). This one also worked really well without a team or any online guidance; very introspective, but fairly antisocial, with ups and downs to both of those.
I guess I'll figure it out later.
My favorite programs thus far have been Bulgarian, Linear, and the Texas Method, probably because they all involve some frequency of heavy work. I've posted my Texas Method idea, and my previous Bulgarian experiments have been...mixed. I'm also considering Sheiko.
My last meet performance was 375/215/415 for a 1005 total at 165 (170 walking weight). I intend to beat all of these at 148 at my next competition (minimum 380/220/420), and I've got about 20 weeks to go. My last Bulgarian experience ran 9 weeks and worked quite well for my squat; I'm not sure if I can get it to work for my bench, and I suspect that high-bar squatting and a better approach to speed pulls will handle the deadlift. I also get quad pain from squatting in this style now, but I'll have to get over that anyway.
For cutting weight, I'll start with half an hour of fasted rowing in the morning (and do an experiment without yohimbine or caffeine to figure out the right pace to use for each day). I'm also going to pay very close attention to my mood - it's possible that keto is hitting me harder than I'd like, in which case I'll switch to the mildly TKD-esque approaches I outlined a while back.
For LP, I've tried 3x5 with paused deads and weight gain, and 5x5 with touch-and-go deads and weight loss. That cut was more aggressive than this one, and I don't want to disregard this as an option - I had great success on the 3x5 (albeit with weight gain), can easily mesh the beginning of this with my cut, and can use it to segue into the Texas Method later. It's also one of the most versatile and forgiving.
Here I'd go 3x5 Squat/Bench and Dead/Press, starting 185/135 and 225/95, with chins and external rotation work afterwards. I'd need to go back to my old logs to figure out exactly what I did during the weight gain period. I'm probably most in favor of this to start, actually - 5s with moderate rest are good for testosterone levels, I can get it done quickly each day while I'm working at Cypress, and with 20 weeks I can realistically get somewhere very solid and/or transition to the Texas Method for peaking.
If I take the TM approach, I've got roughly 20 weeks of progress; if we split that into 3 cycles of 6 weeks progress, 1 week deload, you're looking at (ideally) 90lbs on the squat, 45 on the bench, and 75 (jokingly) on the deadlift. I won't be crash cutting this time, so the deadlift progression should actually be sustainable (barring squat interference) starting at 315, and using the 0.75in increments Emevas uses (6-5-4-3-2-0-Deload). High-bar squats, close-grip bench, rows on the light day. This approach also involves a lot of heavy 5s with reasonable rests, which we know are good for testosterone.
Sheiko would have me run #29 4 times and then peak with #32. This will probably be attractive in the future, but right now I think the lack of any real foundation or maxes is kind of a problem.
Bulgarian is...interesting. Broz's recommendation would be max squatting daily plus some backoff doubles/triples, alternating bench and dead for the other 3 days (CG maxes and volume for bench, speed pulls for dead). Suggestions here put a useful cap on the bench volume, though the deadlift advice is a bit lacking. This one's the most compatible with keto. Here's some more specific suggestions. This one has the added bonus of letting me focus on pressing overhead for a bit while I get my shoulder healthier (LP/TM would be less forgiving here). This one also worked really well without a team or any online guidance; very introspective, but fairly antisocial, with ups and downs to both of those.
I guess I'll figure it out later.
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
2013-10-14 AM
Erg -
60:00, initially ~2:40 pace, then alternating 2:40 and 2:20-2:30, and finally running at 2:20-2:30. 1:00 sprint at 1:40-1:50.
My lifetime (or at least starting) goal is now 16093 (ie 10 miles) in 60:00. I'd also like to hit a decent college crew-qualifying 2000m (likely 6:45 if I'm powerlifting at 165, and somewhere around 6:30 if I decide to break past that) and comparable 500m (1:40 lightweight and 1:36 heavyweight).
60:00, initially ~2:40 pace, then alternating 2:40 and 2:20-2:30, and finally running at 2:20-2:30. 1:00 sprint at 1:40-1:50.
My lifetime (or at least starting) goal is now 16093 (ie 10 miles) in 60:00. I'd also like to hit a decent college crew-qualifying 2000m (likely 6:45 if I'm powerlifting at 165, and somewhere around 6:30 if I decide to break past that) and comparable 500m (1:40 lightweight and 1:36 heavyweight).
2013-10-16 AM
Erg -
11 500m/1:00 intervals at ~2:20-2:30 pace (averaged out to around 2:25 with ~35spm).
5 minute rest because I threw up in my mouth slightly after #11
19-minute free row at 3:10 pace, 25spm
30-second sprint at 2:00 pace
Glycogen depletion (and tiredness, and mild burnout) are really noticeable here. Monday's hour was "grimy" but doable even with 15 minutes of continuous 2:20-2:30, whereas today's intervals were murderous. Lowering the damper might play into that, but still.
11 500m/1:00 intervals at ~2:20-2:30 pace (averaged out to around 2:25 with ~35spm).
5 minute rest because I threw up in my mouth slightly after #11
19-minute free row at 3:10 pace, 25spm
30-second sprint at 2:00 pace
Glycogen depletion (and tiredness, and mild burnout) are really noticeable here. Monday's hour was "grimy" but doable even with 15 minutes of continuous 2:20-2:30, whereas today's intervals were murderous. Lowering the damper might play into that, but still.
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
2013-10-15 PM
Push Press - 145 for a few minutes, then 135 due to tiredness. Had a couple of push jerks, plus a hilarious failure trying to C&J the 135. I'll work on that at some point.
Chins - ~30. Number per set is going up, though that might be partly due to rests.
Face Pulls as always
1500m row at damper 4, ~3:00 pace, then 1m sprint. I actually recovered from the sprint pretty fast; I may start pushing for the full 500m soon.
Chins - ~30. Number per set is going up, though that might be partly due to rests.
Face Pulls as always
1500m row at damper 4, ~3:00 pace, then 1m sprint. I actually recovered from the sprint pretty fast; I may start pushing for the full 500m soon.
2013-10-15 AM
Erg with damper at 4 -
Initial run of 8 minutes, roughly 2:45 pace
Rest/tighten straps, second run of 5 minutes, same pace
10 intervals 500m/1min, <= 2:30 pace
I noticed the difference in drag pretty quickly - my shins get tired from the reversal. Intervals for a few weeks should build up enough endurance to compensate.
Feeling vaguely nauseous now. Lack of glycogen probably isn't helping.
Initial run of 8 minutes, roughly 2:45 pace
Rest/tighten straps, second run of 5 minutes, same pace
10 intervals 500m/1min, <= 2:30 pace
I noticed the difference in drag pretty quickly - my shins get tired from the reversal. Intervals for a few weeks should build up enough endurance to compensate.
Feeling vaguely nauseous now. Lack of glycogen probably isn't helping.
Sunday, October 13, 2013
Had a lot of carby food left over from yesterday; decided to go an extra day on the refeed.
Fasted Morning Cardio - 30m rowing machine, ~2:55 pace
(with Yohimbine and Caffeine)
Lifting -
Push Press/Jerk (mostly Press) 145 for 1s, 2s, and 3s; got a 4 at the end
Pull-Up to 30 reps
3x20 5lb face pull
10-minute erg cooldown, ~3m pace plus 1:45 pace for the last minute
Friday, October 11, 2013
Lifted very early today.
Squat - Worked up to 315, playing with high bar. I'm gradually getting it.
High-bar's pretty nice; I can set up much faster and it works fairly well with the shoes. I may squat low-bar going into meets, but for now it's HB.
~Fasted (Last ate 11am, probably earlier; started around 7) Erg, 40 minutes, average pace ~2:55 (closer to 2:45 for first half), with 100mg caffeine and 15mg Yohimbine HCl
~Fasted (Last ate 11am, probably earlier; started around 7) Erg, 40 minutes, average pace ~2:55 (closer to 2:45 for first half), with 100mg caffeine and 15mg Yohimbine HCl
Sunday, October 6, 2013
Deficit Speed Pulls: 225 from 2 plates
Push Press: 135, mostly singles with a few 2-3s and a final push set of 5
Took a few strict reps, as usual. Harder than last time.
Pull-Ups: >=15
Considering alternative arrangements, like alternating lower/pull and upper/pull or just shortening the blocks from 15 minutes to 10.
Push Press: 135, mostly singles with a few 2-3s and a final push set of 5
Took a few strict reps, as usual. Harder than last time.
Pull-Ups: >=15
Considering alternative arrangements, like alternating lower/pull and upper/pull or just shortening the blocks from 15 minutes to 10.
Friday, October 4, 2013
Cleans - 135 and 155, plus a bunch of power shrugs because I didn't feel like risking employee intervention. This was a pussy move and I will not make it again.
Push-Ups - Worked to 100, starting with 10s, then 5s, 4s, 3s, 2s, and some singles towards the end. Huge emphasis on shoulder position; I didn't succeed 100%, but it was better than last time.
Chins - 15 total
I need to work on explosion and clean technique. It might be worth taking the Oly class, actually.
Push-Ups - Worked to 100, starting with 10s, then 5s, 4s, 3s, 2s, and some singles towards the end. Huge emphasis on shoulder position; I didn't succeed 100%, but it was better than last time.
Chins - 15 total
I need to work on explosion and clean technique. It might be worth taking the Oly class, actually.
Thursday, October 3, 2013
Nuckols Squat - Worked up to 185 for about 20 minutes, then 225.
Push Press - 135, once
Pull-Ups - A bunch
Romaleos II came in today. They're a little tight at the sides, so I may send out for the 9s to compare fit. Tiredness is starting to set in.
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
A Quick Long-Term Plan
This has been on the cards for a while; I'm just writing it down so I've got it formalized somewhere.
1) Carb Nite by the book through March; after that, cautiously break out (most likely add a second evening refeed elsewhere in the week and go from there).
2) Carb Nites at least every 7th day, but otherwise not allowed until I've dropped 0.5lbs morning scale weight since the last one.
3) If weight loss plateaus (less than 0.5lb loss across 14 days, measured from morning of refeed days), add:
3a) 15mg Yohimbine and 100-200mg Caffeine in the first few minutes of training; 45 minutes low-intensity cardio (preferably brisk walking or erging - should be able to carry on a broken conversation) immediately following training.
Start at 2 days per week, avoiding refeed days, and increase up to 7. Training should start least 3-4 hours after last meal.
If the plateau continues or returns, up to 60 minutes low-intensity.
As necessary, replace the refeed day's low-intensity with:
3b) 15mg Yohimbine and 100-200mg Caffeine on waking. Half an hour later, do a 5-10 minute easy warmup (brisk walking counts), then 10 minutes of low-impact interval training (most likely erging or murderously intense sprints on grass; erging only if that's not the low-intensity of choice). 5 minutes' complete rest, followed by 20 minutes of the cardio used for 3a.
If necessary, up the steady-state to 40 minutes, then replace a second day but reset the times and work them back up (extend refeed day, then the other one).
If I still need a boost to hit a very low but not grotesquely striated level of bodyfat, modify refeed day to:
3c) 5 minutes of shorter intervals at maximum intensity (15/45 seconds very low) in place of the 10 minutes above, and add 5 minutes of longer intervals (30/30) and a 5-minute easy cooldown. Then eat something immediately.
As necessary, up that to 40 minutes steady-state, then 10 minutes of longer intervals, then if for some reason that hasn't worked, replace the other 3b day (resetting the first day's times and working them back up one at a time [extend refeed steady, extend other steady, extend refeed intervals, etc.). As a last-ditch effort, up the short intervals to 10 minutes.
For properly resuming maintenance once I'm satisfied:
1) Reset all protocols back to the minimum times, stop taking the yohimbine, and increase calories to reach maintenance. Then gradually wean off of caffeine.
From there, it's still a bit up in the air, but I'd like to have a lot of leeway with food and drink while I maintain, so keeping the conditioning in makes sense. Ideally I'd work up to 3x/week of 3c and 4x/week of 3a (on waking rather than post-workout).
1) Carb Nite by the book through March; after that, cautiously break out (most likely add a second evening refeed elsewhere in the week and go from there).
2) Carb Nites at least every 7th day, but otherwise not allowed until I've dropped 0.5lbs morning scale weight since the last one.
3) If weight loss plateaus (less than 0.5lb loss across 14 days, measured from morning of refeed days), add:
3a) 15mg Yohimbine and 100-200mg Caffeine in the first few minutes of training; 45 minutes low-intensity cardio (preferably brisk walking or erging - should be able to carry on a broken conversation) immediately following training.
Start at 2 days per week, avoiding refeed days, and increase up to 7. Training should start least 3-4 hours after last meal.
If the plateau continues or returns, up to 60 minutes low-intensity.
As necessary, replace the refeed day's low-intensity with:
3b) 15mg Yohimbine and 100-200mg Caffeine on waking. Half an hour later, do a 5-10 minute easy warmup (brisk walking counts), then 10 minutes of low-impact interval training (most likely erging or murderously intense sprints on grass; erging only if that's not the low-intensity of choice). 5 minutes' complete rest, followed by 20 minutes of the cardio used for 3a.
If necessary, up the steady-state to 40 minutes, then replace a second day but reset the times and work them back up (extend refeed day, then the other one).
If I still need a boost to hit a very low but not grotesquely striated level of bodyfat, modify refeed day to:
3c) 5 minutes of shorter intervals at maximum intensity (15/45 seconds very low) in place of the 10 minutes above, and add 5 minutes of longer intervals (30/30) and a 5-minute easy cooldown. Then eat something immediately.
As necessary, up that to 40 minutes steady-state, then 10 minutes of longer intervals, then if for some reason that hasn't worked, replace the other 3b day (resetting the first day's times and working them back up one at a time [extend refeed steady, extend other steady, extend refeed intervals, etc.). As a last-ditch effort, up the short intervals to 10 minutes.
For properly resuming maintenance once I'm satisfied:
1) Reset all protocols back to the minimum times, stop taking the yohimbine, and increase calories to reach maintenance. Then gradually wean off of caffeine.
From there, it's still a bit up in the air, but I'd like to have a lot of leeway with food and drink while I maintain, so keeping the conditioning in makes sense. Ideally I'd work up to 3x/week of 3c and 4x/week of 3a (on waking rather than post-workout).
Box Jumps - Triples at varying heights. One set, add a plate; repeated a few times at 4 and 5 plates, wound up getting six by the end. That puts the jump somewhere around 4 feet. 20 inches to go.
Push-Ups - Worked towards 100. Started with 20s, then 10s, then 5s, then 3s, then got the last five in one go. Goal is to hit the full hundred in a single set with good form.
Pull-Ups - 25, then 5 when I got home.
Push-Ups - Worked towards 100. Started with 20s, then 10s, then 5s, then 3s, then got the last five in one go. Goal is to hit the full hundred in a single set with good form.
Pull-Ups - 25, then 5 when I got home.
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Semi-Sumo Dead (on yoga step) - 225x1-3 for about 10 minutes. These were actually kind of hard, and very scratchy.
Push Jerk - 135 for a minute or so, then 145, 155, 165 for a single, and back down. Mostly doubles and singles.
Did get in another strict 135 rep. Some of these were push presses. Several failures towards the end. I think I push-pressed 155 at least once.
Pull-Ups - As usual
Face Pulls - 100 reps in 20-rep blocks, 5lbs
Much more tired today. Odd, that.
Push Jerk - 135 for a minute or so, then 145, 155, 165 for a single, and back down. Mostly doubles and singles.
Did get in another strict 135 rep. Some of these were push presses. Several failures towards the end. I think I push-pressed 155 at least once.
Pull-Ups - As usual
Face Pulls - 100 reps in 20-rep blocks, 5lbs
Much more tired today. Odd, that.
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