This basically gives me a 4-day split (Rep*Set):
High Bar Squat 5x3
GHR 8x3
Pull-Up 30 reps
Face Pull 12x5
Bench 5x3
Curl 8x3
Pull-Up 30 reps
Cuban 12x5
Deadlift 5x3
Ab 8x3
Pull-Up 30 reps
Face Pull 12x5
Push Press 5x3
Extensions 8x3
Pull-Up 30 reps
Cuban 12x5
There's some room for maneuvering on the shoulder protection work, but that's the basic pattern. I'll probably integrate some rowing as my shoulder recovers. I'm not sure what I'm going to do for ab work, and may add/substitute more. I haven't decided on a deload schedule, or when I'll start deloading - I'll need to go back over all of my old logs to figure that out, though doing it for the last 4 workouts of each cycle (i.e. 6 high 1 low) sounds pretty good right now.
Starting weights:
185 Squat
135 Bench
225 Dead
95 Push Press
I'll start with Press today.
Cardio-wise, 30-60 minutes fasted rowing in the morning, possibly adding intervals depending on fat loss. Alarm set for a 30-minute snooze, so I can wake up, take the pills, and then just nap for a bit while I wait for them to kick in. I haven't decided on diet, but I'm leaning towards the Nuckols-type approach mentioned before - cyclical keto has me ~wishing for carbs on some of my low-fat days and then getting sick of them on the refeeds. I can still cycle calories, fats, carbs, etc. on the alternative.
Having written that out I think I just made up my mind, actually.
Ultimately, the program will stall out, so I'll shift the movements:
Squat => Front Squat
Bench => Incline (or Floor, if I'm weak at lockout)
Dead => Clean (for 3x5 instead of 5x3) or Deficit Dead
Push Press => Strict Press
After, say, two cycles of each (assuming I even get that far - I'm very aware of my fuckarounditis), I may move off to my Volume-Driven Texas Method variant:
Squat 5x5 @ 90%
Bench/Push Press 5x5 @ 90%
Deadlift ROM Progression
Squat 5x2
Competition Dead 1x1 (Moderate competition single)
That's subject to modification, but looks reasonable on paper. Ideally, I'd still be training 6-7 days per week, using extra (and presumably lighter) recovery days to fill in the gaps. Ab and direct arm work should probably also join the party; GHRs probably won't be necessary.
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