Sunday, October 27, 2013

2013-10-26 Push Press

Warmup - Diesel, OHS, Bridge

Push Press -
Need to work on really blasting the weight up. Sets of five are a pain in the ass now that I'm detrained.

BB Skullcrusher -
Heavy focus on keeping my elbows in.

Band "Pulldown" -
Did the first two sets as clusters (2x10ea with no rest). Considered going for 100 but decided to split the volume up since I'm doing these every day for the next week or so.
3 days of intense desk work has totally deactivated my right lat. Fixing time.

Standing DB Cuban -
Need to focus on how my scapulae sit on my back when I'm doing this.
I also just realized that doing these with hands pronated is actually counterproductive; I'll try neutral from now on.

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