Wednesday, September 7, 2011

2011-09-07 Recovery


Squat: 45, 95, 135, 185
245lbs - 2x5
Bitching time
I don't like recovery day. I can't engage my upper back properly because it's fried from Monday and Tuesday, and I'm just generally tired/temporarily burned out on squats, so 245 for 2x5 requires effort that I don't put in on the other days until I'm up over 300. My form always feels off and it's generally unpleasant.
I get why it's that way and that suffering through this indignity has a strong, positive effect on Friday always feeling great, but it's still pretty annoying.

Press: 45, 95, 135
155lbs - 3, 1, 2
I didn't really sleep last night, which didn't help the squats. I took a nap over the middle of the day, though, so it may not be that
Either way I'll just keep pushing. Bench should stall out in the next 2-3 weeks and then I can switch them both to TM and make sweet, sweet love to my arms.
Yeah, I don't know what happened with that sentence either.

Assisted Pull-Ups:
-80lbs - 3x8
-90lbs - 2x8
Figured I should up the volume here.
Maintaining lat activation for an entire set is pretty hard. I'm fairly sure I'm avoiding excess bicep recruitment, though. I can improve the ratio by squeezing my glutes, which is nice.
Just need to keep at these and eventually I'll be at 5x8 with bodyweight and great lat activation.
"Eventually" here meaning "In like a year."
Hopefully less. >.>

Muscle Snatch - 3x8, 45lbs
L-Lateral Raise - 1x10, 5lbs (use more next time)
45-Deg Raise - 2x8, 5lbs (use more next time)
Lying External - 2x8, 2.5lbs (probably repeat)

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