Saturday, September 17, 2011


Planning to add sled work back in in about 2-3 weeks, once I've got a better handle on everything else. Going by the book there caps it at 12 minutes, which should be roughly 8 trips (more like 6 if I'm dragging with Saarni). Probably going to put it Saturday morning instead of afternoon.

Current Program Draft*:

Volume Day:
5x5 Squat @ Appropriate Weight (currently 90% of next intended Intensity)
5x5 Bench/Press @ Appropriate Weight (currently 90% of previous Intensity)
3x8 GHR
Face Pulls/Scapular Activation (right now I'm doing the SA drill at home throughout the day - may just abandon face pulls until I can recruit my lats properly on the bench, possibly even from then on too)

Assistance Day:
10x1 Deadlift @ Convenient Weight (currently 275 straight weight or 225+100lbs chain). 1 Minute Rest.
3x8ea DB Rows @ Regular Progress
4x30s/side Farmer Hold @ Regular Progress
3x10 Rollouts @ no idea, maybe I'll tape weights to my back or something

Recovery Day:
2x5 Squat @ 75% Monday Weight (should I lower this?)
2x5 Press/Bench @ 75% Monday Weight
5x8 Assisted Pull-Ups @ Slow and Steady with emphasis on form
Cressey Rotator Cuff Thing @ Snail's Pace


Intensity Day:
1x5 Squat @ 5lbs over previous Friday
1x5 Bench/Press @ 5lbs over previous Friday
1x3 Deadlift @ 5-10lbs over previous Friday, by feel

Considering moving the pull-ups to the end of Intensity Day (possibly/probably changing the set/rep scheme) but not sure.

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