Wednesday, September 28, 2011

2011-09-28 Recovery


Squat: 2x45, 95, 135, 185
2x5 - 255lbs
Mother fuck
This is not supposed to cause that feeling in my quads

Bench: 45, 95, 135
1x4 - 155lbs
Right humerus came out of the socket for a second on the 4th rep. Decided to rack it and not push it any further.
I'm going to stop Benching and Pressing for the time being and just do Squats, Deads, and the dieselcrew shoulder rehab circuit. That plus 100 band pull-aparts on training days will hopefully set that entire area to rest and let me get my lats back into the bench.

-65lbs - 8
-80lbs - 8
First set didn't get the activation, second aggravated my shoulder.

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