Tuesday, January 4, 2011

2011-01-04 Food, Squat, and Press

Food Log:
roughly 7/8 gal of Whole Milk

Estimating ~4,500 kcal.

Supplement Log:
6x expensive fish oil caps
Creatine: Will have in a minute.

Sleep Schedule Improvement:
Sleeping at 2. Intended 1, but failed because I suck.
That didn't last long.

I'm suspending the Coconut Milk experiment until I have an actual ice cream maker. Rachel and I worked on two recipes yesterday and one of them (mentioned above, iirc) worked pretty well, but it seems that my stomach disagreed with my taste buds here. This week's probably going to be a disaster in terms of fruit intake (doesn't help that most berries are currently out of season), but I need the calories so I'm going on a milkfest. I'll be a little more rigorous with stuff next week, since I'll be able to actually plan shit out over the weekend instead of just randomly grabbing my usual items in my hurry to get home. >.>


Warmup: Same as usual. 7.5lbs on the Dieselcrew Shoulder Warmup.

Squat: 45, 45, 45, 95, 95, 135, 185; add belt; 185 (all for 3)
3x5 - 215lbs
Harder than I like to admit, though some of this was probably form issues. I could feel my weight shifting to the balls of my feet on a few of them; I need to work on sitting back properly. I also want to get someone to check my depth.

Press: 45, 85 (for 5)
3x3 - 115lbs
I will gain weight and smash this next time.

DB Row:
3x5 - 52.5lbs
Did this with DB Handle, 4 tens, and 4 chains. In future I'll put the chains around the clips for space reasons. I hate how large rubberized plates are.
Easy enough.


EDIT: Yup, I'm including more loggy stuff in here now, because I figure if I force myself to post it on a forum I could actually form some kind of habit.

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