Tuesday, January 18, 2011

2011-01-18 Squat and Press

172.2lbs (171.8 after shitting)

Steak and Mushrooms
Milk (both before and after training)
Steak and Mushrooms

Creatine - I'm pretty sure I took this
Fish Oil - with milk
ZMA - pre-bed. Retrospective: Dreams weren't horrible, will try again.

I've figured out how I'm going to handle my sleep schedule.
MWF I have class from 9-10 and 11-12, so my plan is to wake up at around 8:30, take a steak out of the fridge to rest, come back, cook it, and eat it. Tuesdays I'm free until 3pm, Thursdays I've got work starting at about 10:15...so I can again just do a steak like that. Once I start expanding my range I'll probably start working on alternative meals that are faster to prepare, but it looks like I'm just solidly waking up at about 8:30 for now. Convenient.



Squat - 45, 45, 45, 95, 95, 135, 185, 185B
3x5 - 225B
The work sets got dramatically easier as they went. I made a point of remembering some of the stuff from the first 2 parts of So You Think You Can Squat and applying it, and that made a world of difference.
The belt makes coming out of the hole so much easier, lol. I like my current warmup protocol (warm up without, then do a repeat of the last warmup set with, then do the work sets), though...I want to retain some beltless strength. >.>
Still a total rawfag at heart.

Press: 45, 85
3, 4, 4 - 115lbs
Form got progressively better as the sets went - first was bad, second was ok, third was great and might have afforded me a 5th if I hadn't decided to just let it stand there.

DB Row:
3x5 - 55lbs
I can put 10s on the DB Handle without fucking up the ROM, so looks like I'll keep doing that.

No ab work because we were really, really late getting there and were then delayed by a combination of Luis having shitty hamstring flexibility and Rachel not technically being registered with the University and thus not being allowed into the gym. We didn't have $12 to buy a day pass, so...yeah.

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