Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Dietary Stuff

Back from the grave.

I start lifting again tomorrow. I'm currently about 170lbs ("dry and hungry" - more like ~172.5 walking weight) and could probably stand to be leaner given that I consider 170 to be pretty light for me. I'll be dragging the sled on a protocol similar to what I was doing before, though I'm strongly considering relocating to a parking lot or something so I can do 150 or 200ft drags and have other people along (200ft seemed to have a greater effect on my conditioning than 100ft have - I think it's mostly just a matter of lining up the times [i.e. I want the trips to be more like 45-60 seconds, since most of my sets are around 45 seconds long*]).

Diet-wise, I've found a brand of coconut milk that's approximately the same price per calorie as whole milk was, so I'm going to try an experiment in which I make and consume copious quantities of sugar-free home-made coconut milk icecream (possibly using some heavy whipping cream in it later on for added calories, if I find that to be necessary). I also intend to start cutting my steaks thicker and planning out meals over the weekend so I can have some more variety.

Since I'm (at least temporarily) removing milk, I'm going to place some emphasis on getting some more carbohydrate via sweet potatoes, zucchini, and anything else I can find that fits within Quinopio's guidelines (I'm fairly sure the people who actually read this won't fault me on this, but my justification here is that most of the stuff in the thread he posted lines up with what I've found to work and not work for me in the past, so I'm willing to at least try with the stuff I haven't already figured out - I'm not just arbitrarily buying into his recommendations). I'll probably wind up running something AD-esque with a specifically high-carb day once or twice a week (pending academic convenience) and somewhat-reduced carb intake on other days. I intend to start planning my meals out in advance somewhat more rigorously so I can guarantee more variety in my diet - I'm getting a tad bored of two ribeyes per day. I'm also going to start posting the intended food for the week here, since my attempts to manage it with Google Calendar failed miserably last semester. I have a suspicion I'm going to be making more curry this time. >.>

Supplementation plan right now is 20 of my Kirkland Signature Fish Oil caps per day, and 5mg creatine per day.

Honestly, I think I'm going to wind up using this log somewhat more often just as a means of keeping myself accountable. Hopefully having a 9am class MWF will set me up for somewhat greater discipline, though.

*Coincidentally, Dave Tate claims that one of his academic buddies did a study indicating 45 seconds to be the optimal time for stimulating hypertrophy. In the case of 5-rep sets this is the actual time spent lifting after I unrack; for max attempts, the entire process of setting up, lifting, and reracking appears to clock in around 45 seconds. I find this sort of amusing.

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