Sunday, January 30, 2011

2011-01-30 Dead and Bench


Steak and Mushrooms

Creatine - as soon as I finish the post
ZMA - prebed

11:15 (or thereabouts - might be more like 11:30)


Warmup (10lb DBs)

Deadlift: 135, 185, 225
3x5 - 270lbs
Chalked, double overhand grip. Might switch to mixed next week, or see how stuff plays out...this one almost fell out of my hands for the final rep of the final set, to the point that I had to cut my ROM short slightly. This is more of a psychological hit than anything (I really, REALLY love the feeling I get from locking out a dead), but...yeah.

Bench: 45, 95, 135
3x5 - 180lbs
The first two sets were stellar. Third one I set up poorly or something; ass was off the bench slightly, etc., and it just didn't go very well.
Need to teach Greg proper liftoff technique. Kinda annoyed that I can't take these out of the rack myself anymore...*cries*

3x5 - 150lbs
Yay. These are getting dramatically harder - it's reached the stage that I'm almost reaching for the ROM with my chin. Still feeling it in my lats properly, though.
I think I'll probably switch to pullups once I hit bodyweight for 3x5 and then start adding weight.

No face pulls today because the RSF are dicks and decided to order new rope attachments and then throw out all of the old ones before the new set arrived. Yeah, great.
VERY good training session today.

Started contrast showering somewhat more seriously. Planning to just terminate my regular showers with 1 round of cold before I get out, then towel myself warm. Post-workout showers, 3 cycles with the same end.

Need to consume more rapidly if I'm going to bed at this time, lol.

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