Sunday, January 16, 2011

2011-01-16 Dead and Bench

Forgot to weigh in. Fuck.

Steak, Sweet Potato, Mushrooms
Half gallon of milk
and a bag of pork rinds

Creatine - after I hit post (...actually, after I hit tab-tab-enter, but w/e)
Fish Oil

Finally getting back in the gym. Looks like I may be able to get Saba back, and possibly Eric. Sweet.

Turns out that fabricating my own ribeyes was costing me way more than just buying them prefabbed from Costco - Costco prefabbed are significantly higher-quality than Safeway, and my observations indicate that the Choice grade ones are stored more effectively.

I still need to get a meat grinder.

Warmup (only 2 sets of GMs this time, wow)

Deadlift: 135, 185, 225B
3x5 - 260lbs
Belted for the first set, then nonbelted to see if there was a difference.
...there wasn't. I need chalk, though - my grip is failing. Will have to smuggle it in and deadlift where I squat.

Bench: 45, 45, 95, 135
3x5 - 170lbs
Grinders, but not too hard.
Wrist tendinitis or whatever the fuck I had appears to have subsided in favor of an issue I've had recently and know how to fix fairly easily. Yay.
The Deads are tiring me out in advance of these, though I suspect sled work will fix that.

3x5 - 140lbs
These are getting harder. Not sure if I'll switch to weighted pull-ups when I'm at bodyweight pulldowns for the given reps, or when I can do the entire stack for the given reps. Entire stack's a long way off (~315lbs - about six months out assuming I never stall).

Face Pulls:
3x10 - 15lbs
Switching to 3x10 for these. Maybe also for ab work, dunno.

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