Thursday, January 27, 2011

2011-01-27 Squat and Press


Milk and Fruit
Steak and Mushrooms

Creatine (think I already took)
Fish Oil - took half, half after steak, may or may not have any more because I think this bottle may have gone bad. <.<
ZMA - on sleep

Whenever I finish my BioE homework.

Warmup (used the 10lb DBs for Dieselcrew)

Squat: 45, 45, 45, 95, 135, 185
3x5 - 230lbs
No belt. Not sure how I'm going to approach going belted, but right now I'm back in my stupidly-raw mindset. That may or may not change when I hit the 300s here.

Press: 45, 85
3x5 - 115lbs
At last, I have conquered a milestone I have repeatedly conquered over the last 2 years. Story of my training life, but still.

DB Row:
3x5 - 57.5lbs
I need to get a bigger Oly handle.
Other than that, felt good and easy. I'm going to weigh the handle at some point to see if I've been mis-labeling it (smaller grip diameter is probably the reason I find it easier than the gym's DBs, though).

Need to switch to blast strap fallouts or something. Maybe the old single-side suitcase DL?
Not dragging the sled on Fridays until I can start waking up at around 7 daily. Next week I intend to go to bed around 11:15 or 11:30 (facilitated by stuff like actually doing my homework). Once I can do that, I'll be dragging it at the same time I do Monday and Wednesday.

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