Friday, February 15, 2013


Tested my Deadlift max. Thoughts ensue.


Deadlift -
3x 135, 185, 225
1x 275, 315, 365
0x 385
The fact that my deadlift max is testing lower than my absolute squat max suggests some issues.

My major hypotheses for today specifically:
1) It's been all of two days since I last squatted maximally so this was a dumb idea to begin with
2) I barely warmed up. I'm not sure where this falls on the mistake scale.
3) I've had fairly shitty sleep this week.
4) Not much carbohydrate in diet recently. This probably didn't do much.
5) My chalk's been ground up shittily fine and probably did more harm than good.

More generally (from a programming perspective):

1) It's possible that only pulling twice per week is generating problems.
2) Since the bar didn't leave the floor, I'm probably lacking in ability to get tight.
3) On the same note, possible issues with quad, grip, and low back strength. That's probably in reverse order, but either way I'm probably going to front squat more.
4) Possible I'm just completely unused to building up/maintaining tension in general
5) I already know my upper back's weak (shitty chins and front squats right now)

General thoughts for programming in the interim:
1) Glute-hams and pulldowns every day may not work. I'll try it either way, but alternating them (probably glute-hams on front squat days and pulldowns on back squat days) may be a better approach.
2) Longer-term, thinking harder on deadlifting more.

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