Monday, February 18, 2013

Some Thoughts from Broz

I disagree with some of the stuff Broz seems to have going on, but in general I figure that since he's the person who introduced this to the U.S. (at least for the recent wave) it's worth noting his advice.

I'll revisit this in more depth when I have more time to find and digest his stuff, but -
1) Has the lifters do backoff sets somewhat down (10-20kg) for doubles after max singles. Suggests 5x2.

1b)Also emphasizes 1RM squats continuously, which I may take to heart. Haven't decided, since the triples day has generally worked out. Not sure. His opinion on the doubles is that that's what drives you up, so this may be worth looking with more thought if I stall out for an extended period.

2) VERY specifically cautions against trying to max out after a day off. I should note this one (and probably just stop taking days off even after drinking).

3) For 2/day sessions, he recommends squatting in the morning and front squatting in the evening. For his Oly guys the Snatch and C&J come first in the evening; obviously that changes for powerlifting. I'll probably either ask him on this or experiment (mostly emphasizing the latter - that'll happen regardless, so I may as well just use it exclusively, honestly).

4) Don't reduce frequency - like, ever. Even going into a competition, continue to go in, just slash the volume and intensity progressively (

5) Suggests benching only 3x/week, albeit primarily for shoulder health reasons (which can be addressed).

6) Don't just jump into the volume. I guess it worked out for me (probably because I had my triples days and cut myself off at technical rather than absolute maxes)

7) From his stories it seems as though his guys tire out very, very hard during sessions, so it's possible that his approach takes things harder than I'd consider optimal. I can experiment with this more once the pressure's off from other things.

8) Tentatively suggests pulling a max dead 1-2x/month (start at 1 and progress to 2) with daily pull training. This is fairly in line with the deadlift approach I mentioned earlier.

9) On the 2/day note he's up on the idea of benching both times but stopping around 80% in the AM and then pushing for the new PR in the PM (still 3x/week).
^ All of his posts on Obviously there's a hell of a lot more out there.

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