Wednesday, February 27, 2013


It was ridiculously hard to get myself into the gym today - we're talking near-suicidal levels of self-loathing and other such bullshit. That sort of bullshit is why - even at times like this when I'm stable again - I really dislike being me.

Warmup - Skipped the rolling this time. Didn't see any change in performance, so I'll probably nix it unless a major issue comes up. Might do it at lunch in future.

Squat -
5x 45 (x5), 95 (x3), 135, 185, 225
3x 275, 315, 295, 295
Need to start getting video again. My quads were the weak link on the 295s.
The only difference between today and yesterday is that today is the day after yesterday and last night I had a pint of gelato after I trained. I am currently eating a pint of gelato. More news on this story as it develops.

Bench -
5x 45 (x5), 95 (x3), 135
Annoying sensations in the origin of my left biceps tendon. Not sure if this is a technical issue or my shoulders dying.

2-Board -
3x 165, 185
1x 205, 215, 225, 230
Probably should have tripled 205, skipped 215 and 230, and just done 3 singles at 225.
My right forearm is acting up a bit.

Deadlift -
5x 135 (x5), 185 (x3), 225
1x 275 (x11)
Mixed after the first single. These were slower than I'd've liked.

5, 5, 3
Noticed that pushing my hips through is putting me in posterior pelvic tilt. I'm not sure if this is a good thing.
Maybe I should email Cressey or something.

2 runs of Diesel #2 with 7.5lbs and a mini band. Need to get a micro for the external rotations.

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