Thursday, February 28, 2013


This was...educational.

Warmup - As yesterday

Squat -
5x 45 (x5), 95 (x3), 135, 185, 225, 275
1x 315 (x2), 335 (x9), 345 (x2)
Spent a VERY long time trying to iron out form defects with 335. Right now my main notes are to really emphasize the technical aspects of the negative, sit more down than back, and really drive properly out of the hole. From what I can tell, all of the strength I've lost over the last 2 weeks is entirely technical and I haven't actually gotten any weaker.
Also, I'm going to try to hit 275 for 5 every day now while warming up.

Bench -
5x 45 (x5), 95 (x3), 135, 165
1x 185, 195 (x2), 200 (x2), 205
200s were acceptable, 205 not as much. Really need to emphasize technique here, as with the squat. The other issue here is that my left shoulder is now complaining - it feels like there's a slight break at the AC joint. I'll get Jim to feel around that area for anything that could be causing it and go see Roghair if the problem persists

Deadlift -
5x 135 (x5), 185 (x3), 225
1x 280 (x13)
Not sure that the 135 sets are doing me a whole lot of good; the weight's so light that the bar just swings out when it hits my knees, and I don't really get any additional warmth from doing it. Frustrating.
All mixed and few fast.

Lat Pulldowns:
65lbs for 5, 5, 5, 4
Giving up once the lat activation dies.

Diesel #3 for 12/12/8/15s

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