Saturday, January 11, 2014

2014-01-10 Deadlift


Deadlift -
I tried not tapping any anger today (and plan to keep that up). I pulled some intensity out for the last set; I'll try to do that sooner in future. I suspect I'm going to increase the reps on my later warmup sets (drop to a minimum of 3, perhaps) to encourage mental preparedness for work sets.
My grip failed after only one rep today. I don't know if that's an actual grip problem or just tired forearms.

Pull-Ups -
Assorted to 30
I wrote it down, but whatever. I opened with 4 and followed it with 2s and some 3s.
My older, more fluid way of doing pull-ups actually might be a better bet. Splitting the movement doesn't feel as natural as it did on pull-downs.

Barbell Rows -
I still can't engage my scapulae evenly, but that's no reason to neglect my back any longer.

Dragon Flags -
I love doing these, but hate actually...doing them. I'll add a second set next time.

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