Monday, January 20, 2014

2014-01-19 Press


Press -
125x5, 5, 4 (5f, Push Pressed)
I might have had the last one if I'd been smarter when pausing between sets.

Pull-Up -
5, 5, 5, 4, 4, 3, 3, 2

EZ Extension -
I still get wrist pain from these. I'm going to either switch to something else or buy wrist wraps; I haven't decided yet. Mike Robertson seems keen on decline extensions (and other decline movements), which might work.

DB Preacher Curl -
22.5x8x3 (Assisted reps on last set)
I like the angle on the preacher bench, and the fact that the shorter pad gives me more of a stretch. I think I'll stick with this in future and skip using a regular adjustable bench.

Face Pull - 10x15x2
BTN - Mini*15x2
BPA - Mini*20x2
BER - Micro*15x2

30 minutes cardio. Setting 9 seems fine for upper body days.

I made a lot more noise pressing today; yells before every set and an "UUPPPP" during the final push-pressed rep. I also dropped both of the last two sets after I was done, and cued Josh on his last (somewhat reluctant) squat set. I cut the cardio short for a date; I won't be letting that happen again.

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