Friday, May 9, 2014

2014-05-08 Deadlift


Deadlift -
275x5 (added belt)
I did these with shorter rests than usual; I just felt ready sooner. I'll give 397.5 a whirl with no belt for the first set to see if I've just been recovering better, but I have a strong feeling that belting up contributed to how well I did here. Ejay took a video for set 3, and it honestly didn't look like anything maximal.
From this I'm confident that I'll hit 405x5x3 in two weeks (hence an extra 2.5lbs next time) and have a good shot at 500 come June.

Pull-Up -
10 (9 and 10 cheaty)

Chin-Up -
8 (straight bar)
8, 6 (V-bar)
My lats are not used to contracting to this position. I'll alternate the two or something.

Squat -
I found "my" stance - it's a bit wider than shoulder width.

Bench -
Focusing on the lat cues I've been learning in PT really helped on the 95 set.

45-Degree Back Raise -
Plate behind the head makes these brutally hard.

Hard Plank - 3 of 20sec
Bat Wings - 3 of 10 with 7.5lbs and 5-second holds. Use Saarni's old bench; it's higher.
Blast Strap Row - 10x3
Power Pull - 10, 5 (at this point I was really losing the ability to contract properly)
Plate Farmer's Walk - 3 trips with 25lbs each hand, each one from the decline to the wall x2
Pretzel Stretch - 10 breaths each side. I need to check on how to do these.
Lat Roll - Some using regular roller
Posterior Shoulder Smash - Used the gemini, had some good finds
Pec Smash - Tried with the lacrosse ball; not as good. Will work on this.
Super Couch - Tried to use a stronger band but the fitstaff couldn't hook it to anything. I'll ask Cyrus to hit my quads tomorrow to make up for this and the lack of quad rolling (ran out of time).

I'm going to order a (Reactive) Slingshot tomorrow, and a belt fairly soon. I'm guessing I'll go with the same Lever style that Henry has, but it might wind up being a different brand with finer hole spacing (if available). Bench training will now alternate benching and slingshot volume work.

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