Sunday, August 29, 2010

2010-08-29 SE Upper


Bench: 45, 45, 95, 95, 135, 135
7x2 - 180lbs
Easy. That said, my glute was acting up a bit - I think I may actually skip Monday and just do some active recovery.

Floor Press: 45, 95, 135
5x5 - 170lbs
Also fairly easy. Quite gratifying, lol.

Blast Strap Push-Up:
10, 10, 10, 10, 10
Should note that the rest periods here were way longer than they should have been, because I was trying to help someone with his squat form.

T-Bar Row:
5x10 - +70lbs
Finally figured out where the handle is kept, lol.

Friday, August 27, 2010

2010-08-27 SE Lower

Dear god, this sucked.


Deadlift: 135, 135, 185, 185, 225, 275
6x3 - 310lbs
Urrrgh. These got heavy by the end.

Squat: 135, 135, 135, 135, 185, 225
5x4 - 255lbs
These were quite hard after those deads.

Rack Pulls (Box 1, Pin 3): 135, 225
0x 330
Started the first rep and just decided to call it quits. Went and got Box 3) and tried to do them from the 2nd pin for a higher pull just to save face, but reracking it to move the pins down (from Box 3) was such an effort that I decided I was just done.

Barbell Row:
3x10 - 85lbs
Decided not to really stress with these.

Weighed in at 174.4 this morning. Weight PR!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

2010-08-25 ME Upper

Good day, despite Saba still being bedridden and my having to rely on amateurs for my spot and holds.


Bench: 45, 45, 95, 95, 135
1-Board: 135, 185, 205, 225, 205
Firstly, those 45lb warmup benches? Some of the best sets I've ever done.
Secondly, 225 was easy.
Thirdly, I got the second ever negative comment about how much I arch.
Fourthly, it appears that having two plates on the bar is good for honorary membership in an unofficial strongfag club, given that someone massively bigger than me is now asking me questions about how I train.
Fifthly, I'm almost as strong as said massively bigger person, which is pretty gratifying.

DB Bench:
5x6 - 70s
Last rep of the last set was one of those really stupid affairs with what I'll call "torso cheating." My left elbow kinda hurts now...need to put some Blue Heat on it.

6, 5, 4
Couldn't be bothered to try, honestly. The pulldowns do so much more for my lats that I don't know why I decided to do pull-ups this week.

DB Cleans:
20s - 8, 8, 10, 8, 8

"I should really stop skipping prehab..." he said, as he prepared to leave without doing his prehab.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

2010-08-24 ME Lower

Very fitting that my 365 squat should come on my 100th post, no?


Squat: 135, 135, 135, 185, 185
3x 225, 225
1x 275, 275, 315, 365, 335, 335
My form on the 365 was actually a tad lacking; I didn't drive my chest up properly out of the hole, and consequently had to do something of an upper back goodmorning to lock it out. This is something I'm going to have to work on, given that the main problem with the 405 unrack was that I was having a very hard time holding my upper back in position.

Step-Ups: Box 1
6ea x 45s, 50s, 50s, 50s, 50s
Not too hard. I like these a lot more than lunges, for reasons that should be obvious to anyone who's ever done both movements.

5x10 - 205lbs
Grip was fine for the first two sets, and a liability for the latter 3. I went mixed grip after the 2nd one, alternating on a per-set basis. My shoulder felt fine, fortunately.

Fallout Holds:
5x 20ct
30 seconds of rest between holds. I don't quite get how the fuck you're supposed to do the fallout flutters...I think I may have to start doing unilateral suitcase deads or something, 'cuz these were only hard because of the rest period.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

2010-08-22 SE Upper

...meh day, though I did finally get Rachel to bench. And row ( a non-rowing-machine fashion).


Bench: 45, 45, 45, 95, 95, 135
7x2 - 175lbs
Form wasn't very good on these, honestly. Saba's absence probably didn't help, but that shouldn't really excuse my being so sloppy.

Floor Press: 45, 95, 135
5x5 - 165lbs
Fairly sure I got this a few months back, but w/e. Feels good, particularly given how easy it was.

Blast Strap Push-Ups:
10, 10, 10, 7, 7
Moved my feet further back so I'd be closer to horizontal. Which I think I did while I was in SD and doing these the last time.

T-Bar Row:
5x10 - +65lbs
Easy enough.

Friday, August 20, 2010

2010-08-20 SE Lower

I appear to have pulled something in my upper back, right on the back of my right shoulder. URGH.


Squat: 135, 135, 135, 185, 185, 225
4x3 - 245lbs
Nice and easy.

Deadlift: 135, 225
5x3 - 300lbs
Alternated grip between sets to try to bring my right side back up. I think I initiated the shoulder issue by holding the bar improperly on right-overhand sets.
My hips appear to be sliding lower; not sure if this is a good thing.
Wasn't having as much luck as usual in pulling back; several of these swung out slightly, which was...annoying.
Oh, and these are getting fucking hard.

Rack Pull (Box 1, Pin 3): 135, 225
Aaaaand the shoulder started giving me shit so I called it a day.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

2010-08-19 ME Upper


Bench: 45, 45, 95, 95, 95, 135
1-Board: 135, 135, 165, 185, 205, 210
Getting 225 on this next week, methinks. Which would be nice.
Given that it means I'll probably get 225 3 weeks from now. Which will be fucking sweet.
We've sorta managed to "train" one of the gym employees to hold properly. He's pretty cool with it, which is good, 'cuz he's doing it full-time until we can find more guys.

6x +45
And then I remembered I was supposed to DB Bench this week.

DB Bench:
4x6 - 65s
Moving up to 70s next week, which looks mildly impressive when I type it here (5x6 - 70s, however, will not...which is kinda funny).

8, 6, 4, 4, 4 (failed 5th)
Wasn't really getting a whole lot of lat action here...might go on an extended pulldown bender (like, 6 weeks) and come back to these afterward.

Seated DB Clean:
10x 12.5, 15, 17.5, 17.5, 17.5
20s next week. I didn't have my old log, so I had no idea what I'd done last time.

Cressey Shoulder Prehab:
30lbs, 5lbs, 5lbs, Open Hand
Upping the weights on the middle two, possibly the lattermost as well if I can find a DB light enough.

Monday, August 16, 2010

2010-08-16 ME Lower

I'm a strongfag.

Except I'm not. 'cuz the actual strongfags are all way bigger and stronger than I am. BUT I'M GETTING THERE.

Saba got 2x250 and failed his third. Honestly, I think he's got 275 in him next week; the fail on that third one looked like it was a consequence of sinking it too deep and then pausing at the bottom. If he'd stopped at legal depth and used the stretch reflex, he'd've gotten past the sticking point before really slowing down.


Squat: 135, 135, 135, 185, 185
3x 225, 225, 275, 335
I think the third rep of 335 might have been a shade high, but Saba says he's pretty sure it was at least AT parallel, and my depth sense is somewhat lacking, so...yeah. I'd feel a bit better if I hadn't cut the depth, but it didn't feel as though I could have gotten it sinking it THAT far down.
365 next week.
Also, hilariously enough, there were two guys (skinnyfags; can't remember what they were doing) who saw me setting up on 225 and apparently commented "Watch this guy fail it." These two left during the first 225 set, and then came back a while later to bench...right in the middle of Saba's 250 set. They remained in the room to observe the 335 set, and didn't say a word to each other until they left while I was doing good mornings. HEY-O!

GHR: 3
No. Leg still out. Life sucks.

Lunges: 5ea x 70s
No. Not lunging. Life sucks.

Good Mornings:
3x6 - 185lbs
I think I cut the depth a tad on these too, actually.

10x 185, 205, 205
205 seems like a decent weight. 210 next week, for 5x10, I guess.

Heavy Walkouts:
405, 405
Holy shit this is heavy.
Did these kind of as a joke. First one was horrible. Second one I didn't arch it out, but it was a bit better. Either way, just standing there with it on my back was so much effort that my face turned beet red. Guh.

Fallout Holds:
5x 20sec
Moved feet inward. I can hold with some strain with my feet underneath the attachments for the straps. I'm going to try doing flutters next week and see how it goes.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

2010-08-15 SE Upper

Saba's got a trigger point in his infraspinatus, and it's causing some issues on his end. Not so good.


Bench: 45, 45, 95, 95, 135, 135
6x3 - 170lbs
Easy. Feeling good. Need to roll, though, and work on the trigger points in my wrists.

Floor Press: 45, 95, 135
5x5 - 160lbs
Last rep of the last set was a bit dicey, but otherwise it was all good.

Blast Strap Push-Ups:
10, 10, 10, 7, 7

T-Bar Rows:
5x10 - +60lbs
Had to modify the setup...something weird with the bar or the clips or something. Not sure what.

Emptied my locker out and moved all my stuff into the car.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

2010-08-14 Sled Work

4.5 x 200ft - 90lbs, 30 seconds' rest

Said "fuck it" and dropped the rest periods.

The pillar broke off halfway through the 5th trip. I've emailed NYB about their lifetime warranty and whether or not it covers this, and while a replacement would be nice, I'd almost rather just get a refund and drop $80 extra on the EliteFTS one. Then again, they have no warranty at all, so it'd probably be better to just keep using the NYB ones and call them every time one breaks. >.>

Friday, August 13, 2010

2010-08-13 SE Lower

Saba had to lift earlier in the day, and I couldn't make it because I was having a guy come check out my oven. Turned out to be fine, so I celebrated by cooking and eating a 2.5lb rack of baby back ribs.

Squats kinda sucked, and without him there to brighten up the room I found it hard to push myself for an appropriate number of reps on the warmup sets. Deadlifts went fine; my form's improving, which is nice.


Squats: 135, 135, 135, 185, 185, 225, 225
5x2 - 290lbs
These just generally didn't go as well as they could have, but I'm going for a 3RM on Monday (need to sleep fucktons this weekend) and then it's the "light" SE Lower day leading into the heavy single.

Deadlift: 135, 135, 185, 225
5x3 - 295lbs
A few of these were harder than they should have - as usual, I set up or initiated incorrectly and the bar swung away from me. The last time it happened I decided to actively fix it on the go and immediately started pulling back, which fixed it pretty much immediately. When it happens, it happens on the third rep, and given that it's doing that even when I'm resetting between reps, I have a strong suspicion it's because of how I initiate more than how I set up at this point.

Rack Pulls (Box 1, Pin 3): 135, 225
5x5 - 325lbs
Finally got these, and they weren't even that hard. My grip was unhappy with me by the final one, and some mild glute complaints from the deadlifts turned into a mild glute pull (which hopefully won't turn into a serious glute tear overnight or during sled work tomorrow), but the roller got rid of that in a hurry. And then again. 3 more times between the other sets. >.>

Barbell Rows:
10x 95, 105, 95, 85, 85
Wider grip and trying to focus on pulling my back together rather than engaging my lats. Was definitely feeling good after the 4th set. Grip's currently at about an inch into the knurl.


Thursday, August 12, 2010

2010-08-12 Sled

11x200ft - 115lbs, 1 Min Rest

Seriously need to get more plates...urgh. First trip barely even fazes me.

Lifting early tomorrow (10am, holy fuck) due to Saba having to leave in the evening.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

2010-08-11 ME Upper

Reviewing for OChem final; only had time to do the ME exercise. Ironically, it took a good bit longer than usual.

Bench: 45, 45, 95, 95, 135, 135
3x 135, 135, 185
1x 200, 225
0x 235, 235
1x 200
I almost died today.
Like, literally. My wrists cocked straight back the moment I started driving the first 235 attempt off the board, and threw the weight STRAIGHT at my face. Saba caught it, got it back on the boards, and with the help of the random guy we had holding it got it back in the rack. I think that's got to be about the 3rd-nearest-death-experience I've (possibly 2nd, given that one of the other 2 wasn't so much "near" as it was "Guaranteed if I hadn't acted otherwise").

Eric bailed again, this time ostensibly because his partner has a final tomorrow. Oddly enough, so do I, although his is in an objectively harder class, so...
It's amusing that I am now the one feeling very skeptical and judging him, because, as I may say to him if he apologizes for flaking, I'm hearing a whole lot of excuses, seeing a whole lot of crap, and getting a lot of strong impressions that he's a pussy who has no idea what he's doing. Urgh. I liked having the four-person team - we were on-task, effective, and overall just better than only having two guys.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

2010-08-10 Sled

Closing on my goal (technically 12, although for the sake of building up work capacity to last through an entire SE Lower day, I'm tempted to shoot for 17), after which I reduce the rest periods. I'm going to let this keep being easy (except for 1-2 switches in the rest periods, of course) until I'm doing the goal at 30 seconds of rest per. Then I buy more plates and start upping the load.
I actually could probably have done 12 today - possibly even more - but, as noted, I'm going slow. Once I hit the goal - which at this point is almost officially 17 or 18 trips - I'll keep the # of trips constant and just start taking the rest down in increments of 10 seconds or something, but for now...going slow.

Oddly enough, it was the front of my shins that make this one hard. Keeping a rapid pace going resulted in my ankles being flexed forward pretty much continuously, so by the end that was tiring me out more than any of the actual movers were.

10x200ft - Sled + 90lbs, 1 minute rest

Monday, August 9, 2010

2010-08-09 ME Lower

This went well.


Rack Pull (2nd Pin, Box 5): 135, 135, 185, 185, 225, 225
1x 275, 275, 315, 365, 405, 375, 375
I think I beat my record for awesome yells on this one. It was easy, by the way.
...I'm having this really annoying urge to fuck with the routine further by adding in deficit deads, but I'm not going to give in to this urge unless Saba and I both have huge problems at lockout AND off the floor. And even then, it can wait for a few cycles while we bring our backs and quads up to par in other ways.

Good Mornings:
5x6 - 180lbs
Conquored this particular milestone...not that it's a milestone, given that I was doing over 200 with half-decent form last summer, but now I'm being strict as hell for targeting the low back. Not QUITE so much for the hamstrings, but my hope is that they're getting enough from the 3-a-week hammerings on the sled and the assorted other hip extension work.

45-Degree Hypers:
5x10 - 85lb DB
Last rep of final set was...well, suspect. I gave myself the tension headache again, but fortunately it was quite mild and went away after a minute or so of relaxing on the chest press machine next to the 45-degree bench.
Speaking of which, is it just me, or is that machine REALLY fucking comfortable? The handles give me the perfect place to rest my elbows, and the seat cushion is amazingly soft and at EXACTLY the right level of firmness. I could fall asleep in it! IT'S AMAZING.

...Probably should have done another two sets, but I'm honestly starting to get bored of this huge excess of rollouts and plan to start switching it up a again.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

2010-08-08 SE Lower

Decent day. Taught Rachel to Press and Deadlift after I finished...which didn't take long, because I felt like taking a light day after my total fail on the Press. Going back and retrying 125 next week, after I've gained some weight and recovered a bit more. In retrospect, it was extremely stupid to move up so fast, and I should have done 120 again...or something.

I'm having a very hard time taking Eric seriously...fortunately he barely trains with us. This is part of why I have a hard time taking him seriously, actually, though the god-awful form and his extremely simplistic understanding of the Westside Method (and abject refusal to believe that it might be better for him to really get the movements down before he starts doing speed work) certainly contribute to that. He can bench, but that's really about it, from what I can tell.


Bench: 45, 45, 95, 95, 95, 135
6x3 - 165
Felt...decent. When I got everything right, things went wonderfully; when I didn't, they felt...meh. Getting better lat engagement from trying to pull the bar apart and bend it together at the same time, though; everything felt more solid.

Press: 45, 95
125lbs - 4 (Failed 5th, very miserably)
105lbs - 5, 5

DB Floor:
3x10 - 55s
Deload! ...on sets but not reps or weight.

T-Bar Row:
3x10 - +55lbs
Deload! ...on sets but not reps, with a weight that's fucking easy anyway.

No prehab, 'cuz I'm a lazyfag and had basically given up as of the first Press set.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

2010-08-07 Sled Work

9x200ft - Sled+90lbs, 1 minute rest

Had an audience today - there are craptons of hippies in town for the Phish concert at the Greek Theater, and they've started camping out ( their cars) near my house. A small family of them happened to be right by the point I start at.

The daughter was totally convinced I was going to rob them (...she was like...8...but it was still pretty hilarious). Her brother (looked ~6) started doing push-ups after a while. It was pretty amusing.

Then an asshole-type hippy came up as I finished the 9th and started being a (fairly subtle) dick about my obviously being a lifter, but I didn't have to deal with him for very long because I headed back after about two minutes' final rest.

Friday, August 6, 2010

2010-08-06 SE Lower


Squat: 95, 95, 95, 135, 135, 135
1x2 - 190, 230
7x2 - 280
The change in my conditioning is very obvious; these went by much better than they have in the past, and I'm guessing it's primarily because the muscles had recovered between sets. The uberhigh hamstring and glute volume (sled work) and, assuming recovery, low back volume (training) probably also helped strength-wise, but I think this one's mostly a matter of work capacity.

Deadlift: 135, 185, 185, 230
5x3 - 285
Yeah, I suck at pulling for reps.
Working on form and setup somewhat here; the third rep tends to have the bar swinging out and making it a lot harder than it should be, so I'm working on sitting back properly (but without doing the lumbar lockout thing). Work capacity wasn't quite high enough for these - was fairly tired by the end.

Front squat: 135, 185
215 - 5, 5, 5, 5, 3
Had a HUGE technical failure on the 4th rep of the final set; I actually did lock it out, but then the bar rolled off my shoulders and into my elbows, leaving me in Zercher position for a few seconds before I decided to just drop it (which made a big noise).
Will repeat this as my first on the next cycle. I'm getting better at the form (the dump was due to issues on the rerack, but I just wanted to finish the exercise up, so I didn't redo it...stupid, in retrospect).

DB Row: 20lbs
15ea - 50lbs
Getting a tad stricter on form here. My right side is a LOT weaker than my left.
Going to start doing these for multiple sets, I think.

Skipped out on ab work to free up time to teach Rachel to squat. Her extensive bodyweight squatting experience came in pretty handy here - she's doing it pretty well.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

2010-08-05 Sled

Cut the distance to 200ft. 8 trips.
Tried to cut the rest before doing the backwards drags on the return. Was back 30 minutes after I first left the door.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

2010-08-04 ME Upper

2-Board for the first time. I like this movement.
Eric and his friend appear to following our lead for ME Upper, though it looks like they'll either take some convincing or else not be on board for the SE days. This annoys me somewhat; Eric's experienced enough that speed work probably won't have a negative effect on his training, but his friend's very new, and I think it's a tad irresponsible to have him trying to squat fast when he can barely squat at all. His bench form improved tremendously (well, his 2-board form) off of having us there to run him through and make sure he practiced the motion, and I have a strong suspicion the same would hold true for just getting in the squat and deadlift volume. But whatever.


Bench: 45, 95, 95, 135
3x 135, 165, 185, 195, 205
1x 215 (failed second rep)
2x 215
Missed the second rep on what should have been a fairly solid triple because I let the bar drift too far down. It's a tad hard to preserve my groove properly on 2-Board, but we'll work on it.
Pretty sure this means I'm getting 230 or possibly 235 next week. Yayz.

Dips: 10
45lbs - 6, 6, 5 (failed the very top, ARGH)

Lat Activation Pulldowns:
3x10 - 90lbs
2x10 - 75lbs
Need to review the article. Probably start next week with 90.

Rear Delt Flyes:
5x10 - 17.5s
Retaking at the start of the next cycle. And this one's actually noted in the book now, so I will remember.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

2010-08-03 Sled

Sled Dragging

7 trips along the usual route. Going to go and measure it while I drink my smoothie.

Amazingly, I felt as though I had at least one more in me and didn't feel as though I'd been hit by a truck. Decided to cut it short and go for the additional record later this week.

Also realized that due to the lack of a belt/harness, I've been dragging hamstring-style, which explains a few things.

I think I'm going to start doing a backwards drag to get it there; right now I do a 2-part backwards trip to get it home again, but I think my quads would benefit from the extra endurance work.

From the signpost - like, the crack in the pavement that signals the start of the actual slabs of sidewalk - to the power pole is roughly 140 feet; take off 10ft for the sled straps, and you get a total trip distance of about 250 there and back, some downhill, some up. With the current weight (115lbs including the sled), that takes me roughly 1 minute.

The last tree before the power pole gives a distance of 100ft accounting for straps, and 200 there and back, so I think I'll probably just start using that as my metric, since it keeps the slope shallower and generally makes life easier. I don't anticipate going to the other side of the road at any time; it's flatter, but it's somewhat higher-traffic because it's where most of the apartment complexes have their entrances (unlike my side, which just has the ass-end doors for my ex's res hall).

Monday, August 2, 2010

2010-08-02 ME Lower

Eric and a friend of his are onboard to train with us. Sweet. He has experience with 2-Board, too.
Seems he's a lot less experience than I was led to believe, too.


Rack Pull (Box 5, 2nd Pin): 135, 135, 135, 185, 185
3x 225, 225, 275, 315, 365
No real pscyheup. Should have worked a bit harder.
Back position was apparently quite good. Might have had more in me, but hey, that's for the next cycle. When I WILL be heavier.
Worked on rounding my upper back out before starting the pull (basically round my entire back hard, then arch's a work in progress, particularly with regards to air).

GMs: 95
6x 165, 170, 175, 180, 180
180 for all sets next week, methinks.

45-Degree Hyper:
5x10 - 80lbs
Strict. Yay.

Ok, need to either switch to fallouts or...something.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

2010-08-01 SE Upper


Bench: 45, 45, 95, 95, 95, 135
5x4 - 160lbs
Getting better at engaging my lats and keeping my arch. It's a work in progress.

Press: 45, 95
4x 125, 125, 125, 120, 120
Lost weight and blame that for this. Next week's the last Press week, and I'm bloody well getting 5x5 with 125. I intend to have 5x5x135 (if not higher) for my birthday.
Oh, and having a training partner enabled me to get that 4th rep with the last set of 125. Props. >.>

DB Floor:
55s x 10, 10 8, 7, 7

T-Bar Rows:
10x 45, 55, 55, 55, 55
Figure out how to rig up a proper T-Bar setup (no bench to support chest, though): Barbell in corner. Clamp on inside, facing in. Plates outside of that. Get carabiner, attach to one of the loops on the clamp. Attach wide-grip lat pulldown bar to carabiner. 25s are ideal for the height, though we're still experimenting with a means of making it easier to get enough forward lean to really ace the movement. Still, best feeling I've had in my lats for a while.

It's possible that we'll wind up alternating T-Bar Rows and Barbell Rows or somesuch and just keep the DB Rows on Lower Day. Or maybe use barbell rows instead of those incline shrugs. I don't know.

Prehab Circuit: Same as usual.