Monday, August 9, 2010

2010-08-09 ME Lower

This went well.


Rack Pull (2nd Pin, Box 5): 135, 135, 185, 185, 225, 225
1x 275, 275, 315, 365, 405, 375, 375
I think I beat my record for awesome yells on this one. It was easy, by the way.
...I'm having this really annoying urge to fuck with the routine further by adding in deficit deads, but I'm not going to give in to this urge unless Saba and I both have huge problems at lockout AND off the floor. And even then, it can wait for a few cycles while we bring our backs and quads up to par in other ways.

Good Mornings:
5x6 - 180lbs
Conquored this particular milestone...not that it's a milestone, given that I was doing over 200 with half-decent form last summer, but now I'm being strict as hell for targeting the low back. Not QUITE so much for the hamstrings, but my hope is that they're getting enough from the 3-a-week hammerings on the sled and the assorted other hip extension work.

45-Degree Hypers:
5x10 - 85lb DB
Last rep of final set was...well, suspect. I gave myself the tension headache again, but fortunately it was quite mild and went away after a minute or so of relaxing on the chest press machine next to the 45-degree bench.
Speaking of which, is it just me, or is that machine REALLY fucking comfortable? The handles give me the perfect place to rest my elbows, and the seat cushion is amazingly soft and at EXACTLY the right level of firmness. I could fall asleep in it! IT'S AMAZING.

...Probably should have done another two sets, but I'm honestly starting to get bored of this huge excess of rollouts and plan to start switching it up a again.

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