Monday, August 16, 2010

2010-08-16 ME Lower

I'm a strongfag.

Except I'm not. 'cuz the actual strongfags are all way bigger and stronger than I am. BUT I'M GETTING THERE.

Saba got 2x250 and failed his third. Honestly, I think he's got 275 in him next week; the fail on that third one looked like it was a consequence of sinking it too deep and then pausing at the bottom. If he'd stopped at legal depth and used the stretch reflex, he'd've gotten past the sticking point before really slowing down.


Squat: 135, 135, 135, 185, 185
3x 225, 225, 275, 335
I think the third rep of 335 might have been a shade high, but Saba says he's pretty sure it was at least AT parallel, and my depth sense is somewhat lacking, so...yeah. I'd feel a bit better if I hadn't cut the depth, but it didn't feel as though I could have gotten it sinking it THAT far down.
365 next week.
Also, hilariously enough, there were two guys (skinnyfags; can't remember what they were doing) who saw me setting up on 225 and apparently commented "Watch this guy fail it." These two left during the first 225 set, and then came back a while later to bench...right in the middle of Saba's 250 set. They remained in the room to observe the 335 set, and didn't say a word to each other until they left while I was doing good mornings. HEY-O!

GHR: 3
No. Leg still out. Life sucks.

Lunges: 5ea x 70s
No. Not lunging. Life sucks.

Good Mornings:
3x6 - 185lbs
I think I cut the depth a tad on these too, actually.

10x 185, 205, 205
205 seems like a decent weight. 210 next week, for 5x10, I guess.

Heavy Walkouts:
405, 405
Holy shit this is heavy.
Did these kind of as a joke. First one was horrible. Second one I didn't arch it out, but it was a bit better. Either way, just standing there with it on my back was so much effort that my face turned beet red. Guh.

Fallout Holds:
5x 20sec
Moved feet inward. I can hold with some strain with my feet underneath the attachments for the straps. I'm going to try doing flutters next week and see how it goes.

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