Wednesday, August 25, 2010

2010-08-25 ME Upper

Good day, despite Saba still being bedridden and my having to rely on amateurs for my spot and holds.


Bench: 45, 45, 95, 95, 135
1-Board: 135, 185, 205, 225, 205
Firstly, those 45lb warmup benches? Some of the best sets I've ever done.
Secondly, 225 was easy.
Thirdly, I got the second ever negative comment about how much I arch.
Fourthly, it appears that having two plates on the bar is good for honorary membership in an unofficial strongfag club, given that someone massively bigger than me is now asking me questions about how I train.
Fifthly, I'm almost as strong as said massively bigger person, which is pretty gratifying.

DB Bench:
5x6 - 70s
Last rep of the last set was one of those really stupid affairs with what I'll call "torso cheating." My left elbow kinda hurts now...need to put some Blue Heat on it.

6, 5, 4
Couldn't be bothered to try, honestly. The pulldowns do so much more for my lats that I don't know why I decided to do pull-ups this week.

DB Cleans:
20s - 8, 8, 10, 8, 8

"I should really stop skipping prehab..." he said, as he prepared to leave without doing his prehab.

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