Sunday, August 8, 2010

2010-08-08 SE Lower

Decent day. Taught Rachel to Press and Deadlift after I finished...which didn't take long, because I felt like taking a light day after my total fail on the Press. Going back and retrying 125 next week, after I've gained some weight and recovered a bit more. In retrospect, it was extremely stupid to move up so fast, and I should have done 120 again...or something.

I'm having a very hard time taking Eric seriously...fortunately he barely trains with us. This is part of why I have a hard time taking him seriously, actually, though the god-awful form and his extremely simplistic understanding of the Westside Method (and abject refusal to believe that it might be better for him to really get the movements down before he starts doing speed work) certainly contribute to that. He can bench, but that's really about it, from what I can tell.


Bench: 45, 45, 95, 95, 95, 135
6x3 - 165
Felt...decent. When I got everything right, things went wonderfully; when I didn't, they felt...meh. Getting better lat engagement from trying to pull the bar apart and bend it together at the same time, though; everything felt more solid.

Press: 45, 95
125lbs - 4 (Failed 5th, very miserably)
105lbs - 5, 5

DB Floor:
3x10 - 55s
Deload! ...on sets but not reps or weight.

T-Bar Row:
3x10 - +55lbs
Deload! ...on sets but not reps, with a weight that's fucking easy anyway.

No prehab, 'cuz I'm a lazyfag and had basically given up as of the first Press set.

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