Tuesday, June 25, 2013

2013-06-25 Deadlift Day

Weighed in at 163.8. Mostly water and glycogen, but I'm noticeably slimming out.

Warmup - Shoulders only. Mark Bell voiced some negative feelings on pre-workout foam rolling so I've just been skipping it, though I may have to resume soon because my left hip's acting up.

Deadlift -

2x25s, 2xMat -
275x2.5 + 3 (grip failed)
315x 14+5
The 315 actually had me break the weight 4 times because the straps kept coming loose. My grip was really bad today (had to break up both 185 and 225).
315 full-range to rerack was very, very slow

Focusing on spinal organization and keeping the weight close to my body. The first 3 sets were way out in front, last 2 were much better. Working on neck position as well, though I don't have any video to gauge this.

Pulldown -
115x7, 5, 5, 5, 4+2
Getting harder. I'm guessing there's a glycogen element to this.

Rollout -
10, 10, 7-8, 6, 8
Organized spine and 1-joint rule make these ridiculous.

Protraction, Retraction, Curl - 25lb, one run (but double on the right for P&R)
Was blasted after this so I left pretty quickly.

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