Saturday, June 29, 2013

2013-06-28 ME Bench

Shoulder warmup

Bench -

1-Board -
Wasn't sold on 235 when I went for it; today was generally pretty iffy actually, probably because I drank Wednesday night and royally fucked up my sleep schedule from there until some time in the next day or so.

Didn't help that Upward Bound are back and I had to use a crappy bench and new spotters, but that's not a good excuse.

Close Grip -
Still need to work on shoulder stuff

Gym closed so I had to leave.

I'm considering switching things around on my upper days a bit and adding in some additional rowing for back thickness. Tallying up the tonnage for last week on upper body pulling vs. pushing gives me roughly 2:1 pushing vs. pulling; volume-wise it's more like 1:1 (1:1.5ish if we assume deads get involved a bit and I actually do my SE lower day - I may start doing 5x5 squats or something just to give myself a reason to go in for that one). I don't particularly love the idea of dropping the push-ups or DB floor, but I can integrate those elsewhere (push-ups less so, and I don't know if I like the idea of cycling between more than 2 supplemental movements for a given upper body day, but still). Sticking a bonus run of rows in (i.e. rows 3-4 days out of the week) might do good things for aesthetics via back thickness and generally prove beneficial for shoulder health.

I also really need to start actually doing SE lower, as said.

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