Monday, June 17, 2013

6/16/2013 - SE Bench

Warmup - Shoulders only

Bench -
Getting better. Having some issues with the right side now (see below).

Floor Press -
Strong starting point once I got the technique down. This should go up no problem.

Blast Strap Pushup -
8, 6, 5, 4, 4 (5F)
I've figured out the problem - it's not my left shoulder flaring out, it's the right one buckling forward. I need to be very careful about this (and possibly have someone watch for me so I can keep a neutral neck).

Pulldown -
110x 10, 8, 6, 5-6, 5
I'm starting to lose the activation sense in my right lat - I'm guessing it's time to focus a bit more on that side since I can get the left firing every time. I also need to make a huge point of actually doing my prehab and soft tissue work, because we're getting back into injury-prone territory on the right now.

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