Sunday, June 30, 2013

2013-06-30 SE Lower

Actually made myself do this for once.

Warmup - Shoulders

Overhead Squat -
Working on these. Thumbless grip required. I need to get side video so I can tell if I'm staying neutral.
Trying to work with an organized spine here; it's...interesting.

5, 10, 7, 5, 4, 3
Working on maintaining an organized spine here too. It's a lot harder.
Shooting for 5x5 again before I head into higher reps.
Stretching calves between sets. I need to do soft tissue work in the mornings.

Barbell Row -
Last few reps of the last few sets were pretty bad shoulder-wise. I should probably repeat this.
Thinking I may sub this one out for Kroc Rows and put Barbell on SE Upper, though thinking about it I'd probably be better putting Kroc on Dead day to concentrate the volume.

Front Squat Hold -
275x20, 30, 30, 30, 30
First hold was wide stance with ring on the rings. The other four were medium with pinky - I'll stick with that. 285 next week.

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