Monday, July 1, 2013

Further Dietary Ideas

This is getting more and more refined. I like that.

I went back and re-referenced Lewis's guidelines for APD (similar concept) and realized what I've probably been doing wrong: His initial (and even middle) approaches involve only one solid meal per day (with the exception of carb and fat refeed days). I think I'll actually adopt his approach straight up (albeit with some berries for liver health). This kinda shatters my weekly expenses, actually.

Looking at the calorie intake for my training days, I'm coming to the conclusion that beef ribs should probably be more part of a higher-calorie fat-heavier day than the regular post-workout meal. For now I've arrived at (with days to be shuffled around in 3 weeks when I deload):

Every day - Whey shake with creatine on waking, plus multivitamin and glucosamine. 150g protein from standard shakes throughout the day (right now that means 2 of them, though I may reduce the protein amount and up it to 3 to help deal with hunger issues).

Tuesday (Deadlift) - Chicken thighs before, thighs or ribs after
Wednesday (PSMF) - Add an additional 75-100g protein from shakes
Thursday (ME Bench) - Chicken thighs before
Friday (PSMF) - Add an additional 75-100g protein from shakes
Saturday (Squat) - Chicken thighs before
Sunday (morning SE Bench) - low-carb before, 3-hour high-carb window after, solid meals for rest

This week things are a bit weird because the days are offset and I'm getting pizza Wednesday evening (hopefully post-workout), but the overall point stands. I'm going to do some weighing to check, but right now my impression is that 2x chicken thighs is actually more calories than the beef ribs. The point (overall) is calorie cycling, but taken to a greater extreme because of my goals.

Deload week, I'll shuffle things around to reach:

Sunday (morning Deadlift) - light low-carb breakfast, high-carb low-fat meal pwo, med-carb for rest of day (50g/meal)
Monday (PSMF) - Add 75-100g of shakes
Tuesday (ME Bench) - Thighs before, Ribs after
Wednesday (PSMF) - Add 75-100g of shakes
Thursday (Squat) - Thighs before, 2x Thighs after
Friday (SE Bench) - Thighs before, Thighs after
Saturday (PSMF) - Add 75-100g of shakes

Interestingly, this actually averages to around 3000kcal/day. We'll have to see how weight loss goes over the next week - if I don't drop at least 4lbs (so wake up next Monday under 160) I'll probably have to drop things. This is subject to measurements today on the chicken thighs - I'm going to filet them, weigh them before putting them in the oven, and line the pan with foil so I can pour the grease out and measure how much fat they lose. The rest of the weight difference should be water, so I'll know the entire profile and be able to calculate the actual post-cooking content via the packaging. This also lets me integrate the marinade into the measurements (track how much mass gets added and calculate nutrition from there, since that should also only lose fat and water - I'll probably have to squeeze the remainder to get out any grease it soaks up, but if I'm going to do this I might as well be comprehensive). I'll do the same with the ribs.

Once I'm down where I want to be I'll start experimenting with different stuff. My thinking right now (same training schedule) is:

Sunday - Unchanged
Monday - Thighs instead of shakes
Tuesday - Unchanged (thighs before, ribs after)
Wednesday - Thighs instead of shakes
Thursday - lighter refeed post-workout
Friday - Unchanged

I'm also going to add morning activity (similar to what I had earlier in the semester) - 20-minute walk to warm up, then stretching, and then finally shower. That one's a little open to manipulation carb-wise given what I've read from Aragon, but either way the intake will be on the low side.

(Also meditating for at least ten minutes, because meditating)

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