Thursday, July 4, 2013

2013-06-03 Deadlift Day

Warmup - Shoulders

Deadlift -
275x5 (hook) (2 plates, 1 mat)
315x10+6 (straps) (2 plates, 1 mat)
315x1 (hook; walked back into rack)
I'm sick, dropping weight, and not sleeping well. This was pretty successful.

Hook gripped the last few reps of the first set, then strapped the rest. 2-3 minute rests, though I got distracted a lot so those got extended.

Barbell Row -
135x8, 5x4
I'm still working on getting technique down for these. I'm reviewing my old articles (and trimming a lot of them out) and noticed a Cressey bit on stretching the pec minor (and realized that that's what Sean was doing at the end of each massage session - explains a bit).
Here I focused on retracting my scapulae before starting the pull (lats activated for the whole movement). I got video for the last set and it looks like I'm still in bad shape there.

Still can't find my ab wheel so no rollouts today. Neglected prehab to go home.

I may put some speed deads in on Squat day (right now I'll use the Overhead Squats as a warmup, but once I start actually squatting that may change).

I remain unsure about actually staying at the RSF once the semester starts. A full year of alumnus membership runs $600; for that I could easily get everything I'd need to set up and train in my parking space.

Oh, and a (hopefully final) dietary update:

Every Day: Whey shake on waking, full-scoop standard shake immediately before bed

PSMF Days: 200mL every hour on the hour starting one hour after waking and ending an hour before bed.

Keto Days: 200mL every hour on the hour starting one hour after waking and ending an hour before pre-training meal. Meal of 350g chicken thighs (700 on high-cal day). Full scoop standard shake 1 hour after training, then resume the 200mL thing until 1 hour before bed.

Refeed Days: Low-carb meals every 1-2 hours after the whey shake until training. ~150g carb, low-fat meal post-training, followed by ~50g carb, mid-fat meals for the rest of the day. Subject to further work since I've yet to actually do one of these.

I need to iron out the actual calorie content of the beef ribs. Apparently all of the USDA info ignores bones (which makes sense, though I've noticed that for steaks and chicken thighs the bones are always ~10% of the total raw mass).

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