Tuesday, July 9, 2013

2013-07-09 SE Bench

Pretty good day overall.

Warmup - Extensive lacrosse ball on and around shoulders, gemini, overhead squats (5x45), Diesel

Bench -
Working on getting tighter. It made a pretty nice difference. Still harder than I'd like, but that's always been true for deloads.

Floor -
Awesome finish. Press 115 next week (albeit for reduced reps).

DB Floor -
55x10, 10, 10, 9, 6-7
Repeating next week. Triceps are still the weak link.

Pulldown -
115x10, 7, 6, 5, 5 (w/ negative)
120 next week. I'll try cutting the first set reps to 5 if I can't get 5 on the last set - I'm fine repeating weights on these. I'm also not that far off from bodyweight, which is a nice milestone.
I plan to try for the full stack before I stop these altogether, though.
N.B. for Diet note:
Cheat days only go all-out if I hit my weight goals for by that day (e.g. sub-160 for this week, preferably for two consecutive days). Otherwise, small refeed but otherwise normal.
Fortunately, carbs don't require aging, so I can still buy a decent bird.

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