Thursday, July 18, 2013

2013-07-17 Deload Deadlift

Oh sweet jesus. I'm very, very tired.

Warmup - Just shoulders (no rolling etc.)

Deadlift -
Focused on speed pulling and technique. I got it down for the last one, but everything before that was pretty bad. I think the speed pulls on Squat day idea might actually have some merit just for technique work. I'm not going to do it this cycle (I've got plenty of time to work this out), but it's a major thought.

Rollout -
I think these went well, but I don't trust my kinesthesia right now so I don't know.

DB Row -
Now here's a discovery.
I don't know if I noticed this before, but through some combination of weakness, smallness, and inactivation, my right side mid-back essentially cannot pull through on this. I don't really want to run back to PTI (I feel as though that chapter's come to a close, though I'll do it if I absolutely have to) for Jim's help here, but I also don't know how to handle this myself and am no longer willing to drop the money on RSF massage work.
I guess the real solution is to find a friend who'll do the work pro bono or in exchange for food, but yeah.
Anyway, it looks like unilateral rowing is going to be really important, so I'm cutting out barbell rows entirely for this cycle. Seated Cable Rows stay in because I need some way to mimic the back position of the bench press, so I guess Barbell Rowing is out for a while.

Kroc Rows may have to go down to strict DB work if I can't fix this.

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