Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Some Programming Thoughts

I'm going to stick with my approximate current layout until my next meet - the movements may change a bit, but the overall program won't until I know how well it's working for my dead. I've got periodic checks on my squat and bench progress, so I can manipulate those a little more freely.

Reading the JTS manuals has given me some ideas that I'm going to apply. A few notes:
1) I got bonus confirmation of Floor Press being a tricep movement and pause work being useful off the chest.
2) A lot of very strong raw deadlifters like various types of deficit pulls. Brandon Lilly in particular mentioned squat stance deficit work as a good way to improve glute and low back strength.
3) Dan Green really loves front squats

From that, I'm thinking:
1) Alternate RDLs with Squat-Stance Deficit Pulls
2) Stick with the current bench cycle, everything there looks fairly solid for now
3) Try out high bar squatting for a few cycles and see how it goes

I may have to integrate some technical deadlifting work at some point, but for the time being I want to focus entirely on just getting the lift stronger.

I don't plan to gain any weight until after the meet; my training after that will include some more aesthetic focus (shrugs and curling, mostly - my traps and biceps seem to be lagging). This may have me competing at 132, which would be interesting.

New future ideas (possibly for upcoming cycles, since I'm actively tracking squat and bench progress):
1) If CG Bench work pans out well, try sticking it between bench movements - ie. CG, 2-Board, CG, 1-Board, CG, Bench. If I only do triples this should only add one week the cycle (4 otherwise). This probably applies to whatever lift seems to work out best for my bench, though; I could see it happening with board presses, for instance. One extra week in the cycle also facilitates a 9-week submax run, which could be appealing if the squat cycle goes well.
2) Consider hitting triples exclusively for max-effort work (maybe still a single on 2-board).
3) Spend a while just doing 5x5 heavy squats or front squats on Squat Day, or possibly a period of 5x5, then 3x3-5 (reps*sets), then a peaking period with just singles. Alternating the two might work fairly well (for a 9-week cycle, go 5x5/5x5*2, 3x5/3x5*2, then take a new squat PR). This actually appeals pretty heavily.
4) In the same vein, I could do that with Bench and any suitable "builder" movement (right now I'm thinking it'll be close grip, but whatever).
5) More emphasis on overhead work might help out my bench, though I might just be saying that because Deng has ridiculously awesome delts and outpresses me.

#2 looks interesting, but I'll have to wait until the end of this squat cycle to see - I should be done with my cut by then, and if I can hit 355 I'll give it another cycle and see if it works twice. Bench-wise the same applies with 225; if it doesn't pan out, I'll either drop ME work completely and switch to the squat cycle (if that works), or try something more volume-based like #4 and just dedicate Fridays to building my Press.

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