Sunday, July 28, 2013

2013-07-28 Deadlift

I need to talk less, and not install a dishwasher next Saturday.

Warmup - All but the glute bridges

Deadlift -
275x5 (hook, 4.375")
335x6+3 (straps, 4.375")
335x1 to rerack (hook, 4.375")
I blamed the straps at first, but then noticed my grip sucking on everything else and remembered what I did for most of yesterday.
Next week should be better.

DB Row -
Playing with technique - shoulder blade flares if I emphasize the mid-back, stays flat if I focus on lat recruitment - worth remembering for bench days. I'd like to see if I can keep it flat on the mid-back emphasis, though. Right side is getting stronger.

225x10, 8, 9, 8, 7
First two were hook, last three were strapped. I wonder what would happen if I mixed the two.
Still focusing on technique for these - organized spine, screw feet into the floor, keep lats engaged, hips back/knees constant, engage glutes. Happy to be at 225, though.

Rollout -
Lots of iffier reps and partials here, but I'll settle as long as I keep improving.

Band BTN Pulldown - 12x2xMini
Band Pullapart - 12x2xMini
Band External Rotation - 12x2xMicro
Some chance I'll need to switch to the light over the mini for the first two, actually.

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