Sunday, February 2, 2014

2014-02-01 Deadlift


Deadlift -
I felt great for the first set; not as much for 2 and 3, both of which involved some resetting. I'm starting to have issues with grip, too; it might be time to call in the chalk.
Time for some fun with 315 on Wednesday.

Pull-Up -
7, 5, 5, 5, 3, 5

Barbell Row -
I'm still working on getting this to target my upper back.

No ab or prehab work today. I'm not sure what I'm going to do for abs, actually.

I've had some extra stressors on my system the last few days, so I don't know if I can take recent tiredness as signs of actual exhaustion. As with last time, I'll gauge based on Thursday. That said, I also realized today that I don't actually have to deload all 4 lifts on a 3/2 (just 3)...which on a 4-week rotation would always be the same 3, leaving one lift (preferably deads) to gain a little extra. To that end, if I do switch, it'll be after the deload (Deads on 2/15 translates to deads 3/9; then take 3/10 off and deload 3/11-3/13). That makes a lot of sense, too - if Thursday sucks again, I might as well deload using the current schedule and then switch. Session-wise I lose 1 from deads and 4 from everything else; I guess comparing Monday and Thursday will tell if it's worth a 25% drop off.

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