Wednesday, January 30, 2013


Warmup - Shoulders 3x5s, Bridge 3x10s

Squat -
5x 45, 95, 135, 185
3x 225
1x 275, 315, 330, 335, 335, 345, 345
Felt REALLY good today, up to the 275 sets. Discovered that my stance probably needs to be a bit closer than it has been.
Food and such helped a bit here, but I have a strong suspicion that yesterday also served as an informal deload.

Floorcrusher -
5x 35, 55
3x 65, 65, 65
1x 75
3x 70
Doing these in place of JMs. Really need to get up to doing 75x3 consistently so I can use the nicer bar (weighs 25lbs whereas this one's more like 15; 25s on each side is fairly important because the bar hits my head otherwise).

Chin -
3 ~10-second holds

Lat Pulldown -
10x 65, 65, 65
Third set was done as a mid-grip chin. That was the only set on which I could feel my right scapula. This is bad. Going back to doing these every day, and actually integrating the stuff I'm supposed to be doing to work on stabilization (basically planks and birddogs).

Face Pull -
10x 10, 10, 10
Same as above. I did these three exercises as a circuit, so...yeah.


Warmup - Shoulders 3x5s, Bridge 10x5s

Squat -
5x 45, 95, 135, 185
3x 225
1x 275, 275, 315, 315, 315
Low on sleep and food, felt like shit.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Some thoughts and programming updates

I still haven't managed to work out a schedule that'll let me train twice each day, so I won't be trying that. I should probably accumulate some more time on this program and sort out my diet and sleep patterns before I attempt anything along those lines.

That said, I think I'm going to set out weight goals, maxima, and minima on a longer-term basis. Essentially, whichever weight I was using for a particularly good near-max single becomes the "maximum" for a while; I don't push past that weight unless I feel particularly good about a set done with it, and I don't take more than three reps over 90-95% of it. Triples shouldn't particularly exceed 90% of that in general, though I may add an extra 1-2 triples at lower weights if the day felt particularly good.

My rationale here is basically that recently - particularly this Sunday - I've been taking weights higher than I should have and may have suffered slower progress as a result. The weights I used before were clearly working, so there's no real reason to push for the PRs unless a day feels particularly good (like last Sunday, when I hit 365 for the first time since last April). So, for the time being, while my daily minimum will be set at 325 (or 315, I honestly don't know), my goal weight is 345. Next time I set a PR I'll take another look at my "best reps" list and update to reflect that.

Monday, January 28, 2013


Warmup - Shoulders 3x5s, Bridge 10x5s

Front Squat -
5x 45, 95, 135, 185
3x 237.5, 225
Some mild upper back pulling on the 237.5 set. I'm not sure what's causing this or how to fix it.

JM Press:
5x 45, 65
3x 75, 80
Still unsure of shoulder positioning here.

10x1 - 275lbs
30 seconds rest. I like this.
Had to switch to a mixed grip at about rep 7. Held the last one for 10 seconds and lowered as slowly as possible.

Sunday, January 27, 2013


Warmup - Shoulders 3x5s, Glute Bridge 10x5s

Squat -
5x 45, 95, 135, 185
3x 225
1x 275, 315, 335, 345, 355, 365
Videos upcoming for 315 onward.
These were all done in the main room the RSF (usually I lift in the Annex). My old 365 rep was done in there too, but I'm guessing that was with a different bar because this one SUCKED. The rough areas were almost smoothed over, and it made setting up properly quite difficult.
365 felt like shit but 345 was probably the best heavy squat I've ever done.
I cut depth somewhat on these (though Eric insists they're still legal, and considering how deep I usually squat I'm inclined to believe him). Incidentally, I also don't have any back pain now.

JM -
5x 45
3x 65, 75, 80, 82.5
1x 87.5
Still not convinced I've got the form down here.

Face Pull:
10x 10, 10, 10
With holds. Got some mild twinges in the right shoulder on a few of these, but it was generally gone by the last set.


Warmup - Shoulders 3x5sec, Glute Bridge 10x5sec

Front Squat -
5x 45, 95, 135, 185
3x 235
Didn't eat before coming.

JM Press -
3x 45, 65
1x 85
3x 75, 80, 85
Ironing out technical issues on these. Not sure if I'm bringing my shoulders into it too much - I'll check on the video tutorials and take some videos of these to get a better idea of how I'm doing.

Deadlift -
3x 135, 185, 225
1x 275 (x10)
30 second rests on these. Still looked good, apparently.

Thursday, January 24, 2013



5x 45, 95, 135, 185
3x 225
1x 275, 315, 325, 335, 345
Still getting some back complaints; need to actually commit to the stretching regimen.

5x 60, 60, 60
Working on lat activation and general technique here.

Band Pushdowns w/ Mini:
25, 25, 25
Lots of resting and pausing here.
Working on actually locking out the reps more; not sure how good of an idea this is, though since that's the hard part of the movement it's probably worth some emphasis (particularly given how I'm training it light).

3, 2, 2, 2, 1
Holds on the last rep of each set.
I'd say this is embarrassing but my actual reps per set past the first wasn't that good even when I was kicking ass at chins. That said, I'm doing these every day.

Face Pulls:
10x 10, 10, 10
Working on holding shoulder position at the top. The right side is noticeably less good at this (at least in terms of what I'm feeling).

Wednesday, January 23, 2013



5x 45, 95, 135, 185, 225
3x 275, 315
Fairly easy, and very nice. Having Eric along actually does help here, I think - whether or not the increase in the numbers I'm doing will be reflected in my progress remains to be seen.

10x 45, 55
3x 55
I'm not convinced that this is actually helping; it seems like it's just tiring out the muscles responsible for maintaining position. May switch this to 5x5 (weight approach stays the same).

JM Press:
3x 45, 65, 75
Feeling this very strongly in the triceps tendons, especially at the heavier weights. They're "knocking" something in my elbow - if I start to develop any kind of problems there I'll switch them out for something else (probably floorcrushers).

3, 2, 3, 2, 2
Need to do more of these.
The guy squatting behind me in the 315 video figured out my (universal) online username just from my name - apparently he reads my posts on reddit (which is pretty scary, because said posts are few and far between) and figured out that I'm jonnosferatu just from my name. Very strange.

10x 20s, 20s, 20s
Rest-pausing here. I'll up to 25 once I can do them continuously, I guess.

Monday, January 21, 2013



Front Squat:
5x 45, 95, 135, 185
3x 235
Getting harder. Probably be easier if my shoulder worked properly.

10x 50, 50, 50

3x 135, 185, 225
1x 275 (x10)
Grip gave out after 7th

2, 2, 2
Embarrassing, I know.

10, 10, 10
Last set required some rest-pause. I haven't been eating enough.



Overhead Squat:
5x 45, 70
May be dropping these (at least the 70), at least for the time being. I don't think they're doing much for my shoulder's health. See more on that below.

5x 95, 135, 185
3x 225
1x 275, 315, 325, 325
Seems like 3 serious reps per day worked last week, so we'll stick with it.

5x 45
10x 45, 45, 45
Decided to repeat what I did last time (because it worked last time), only since I'm benching up to 7 days per week I can be a bit more aggressive about it. Basically, resetting to 3x10 and starting at 45. Adding 5lbs per day for a bit, and continuing this until my shoulder feels better; then I'll probably drop to 3x5. Not sure how long it'll be before I switch back to singles; I doubt it'll be much more than a month.
I'm also going to add in chins once the shoulder's feeling a bit better (probably by the end of the week), since doing lots of good chins helped before and I need to get better at them regardless. These will probably be in addition to lat pulldowns, though I may trade them off by day.

JM Press:
10x 45, 45, 45
...but that's no reason not to get better at benching. I'll do some research to look into rep ranges for these, because it's possible I could just go with heavy triples or fives.

10x 17.5, 20, 20
Required some rest-pause. These I won't repeat daily (versus the JM Press, which I very well might).

Face Pulls:
10x 10, 10, 10
Trying to hold at the top.

Further ideas in notebook. Possible final arrangement:
MWF - Front Squat, Bench Alt (probably Press, possibly Floor Press), Barbell Row } max triples, GHR, Prehab
Others - Squat, Bench, Deadlift (lighter) } singles, chins, prehab

Sunday, January 20, 2013


Overhead Squat:
5x 45, 70

5x 95, 135, 185
3x 225
1x 275, 315, 325, 340, 350365
Some technical breakdown at the heavier weights, but I felt justified in going high. My mental state going in was (and now's confession time on how much my brain can try to fuck with me) essentially "You're a worthless sub-human freak who doesn't deserve to feel normal or happy." It was bad enough that I wound up pulling a moronically emo move and actually writing "You are worthless" somewhere on a previous page.
Somewhere around the 340 mark I annotated today's entry with "Who the fuck are you calling worthless?" and then added some more plates.

5x 45, 95
3x 135
1x 185, 185
The annex was closed, so I was stuck benching on the one I used to use with Saarni in the main room. The contrast was really, really extreme - this one's slightly lower and dramatically firmer and more slippery. I actually slipped noticeably during the first single (and thus decided not to push for any PRs).

Then I started to teach a newbie how to bench properly. Only had about five minutes and his English is a tad broken, but he got better.

My shoulder's been feeling less stable for the last few days; I think something at PT actually made it worse on Friday. It's also very possible that practicing basic skills in TF2 2-3 times every day has been damaging it.


Front Squat:
5x 45, 95, 135
3x 185, 230
Just increasing this linearly as I feel it out.

5x 45, 95, 115
Good odds I'll switch to triples here; an unpsyched triple should be under 90% of 1RM, so I doubt I'll see any serious acromion deformation from it (assuming I'd've seen it in the first place; I don't think I have any history of impingement, though that may have changed in the last few days).

3x 135, 185, 225
1x 275 (x10)

10, 10, 10
As I get stronger I can do these with stricter and stricter form. Keeping my hips pushed through makes a considerable difference depending on how hard I force it.
Continuing to stretch my calves between sets.



Overhead Squat:
5x 45, 65

5x 95, 135, 185
3x 225, 275, 295
PR triple. Eric came along and cued me, which helped a bit.
Back's still acting up on these. Need to work on hip and knee mobility (think my gastroc-soleus complex may have something to do with the hump).

5x 45, 95
3x 135, 155, 175

Lat Pulldown:
10x 75, 75, 75

10x 10, 10, 10



Overhead Squat:
5x 45, 65, 75

5x 95, 135, 185
3x 225
1x 275, 295, 315

5x 45, 95
3x 135
1x 185, 185

Lat Pulldown:
10x 70, 70, 70

Tuesday, January 15, 2013



3x 135, 185, 225
1x 275 (x10)

Front Squat:
5x 45, 95, 135
3x 185, 225
Trying 230 on Friday. I know I'll get it, I'm just so unused to this movement that maxing out is...weird.

5x 45, 95, 120

10x Sides, Sides, Sides
Give it a few more times before Vampire.



Overhead Squat:
5x 45, 65

5x 95, 135, 185
3x 225
1x 275, 295, 295, 305, 315
The 315 rep was bad for some reason. I don't remember why.
My low back is acting up. I stretched my hip flexors a lot since this workout and it's gotten a lot better, so I think it's just a matter of tight hips and hamstrings. Going to start stretching again.

5x 45, 95
3x 135
1x 185, 195, 195

Lat Pulldown:
10x 70, 70, 70

DB Curl:
10ea x 15s, 17.5s, 17.5s
My arms look weird.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Yet Another Roast Chicken

Today's approach produced a very fairly good one.

1) Remove chicken from packet, pat dry, rub down with salt, and leave to air-dry in the fridge overnight. Make sure it's nicely spread out (i.e. not trussed).
2) Preheat oven to 180F.
3) Stuff chicken with a generous amount of time and a lightly-rolled lemon.
4) Soften some butter (I use the oven; don't go light here, you can always save the extra), add salt if unsalted, and add a generous number of thyme leaves. Mix together and refrigerate briefly to partially set.
5) Remove wishbone
6) Brush the chicken down with the butter, making sure to get all areas.
7) Roast at 180 for 4 hours
8) Remove from oven and allow to rest. Prep sides. Preheat oven to 525 when possible.
9) Baste in the roasting juices. Remove the lemon and add in a halved head of garlic. Roast at 525 for 10 minutes.
10) Rest uncovered 10 minutes, carve, and serve.

Further Note:
I recently discovered why Peking Duck gets boiled and chilled a few times before cooking - once you've loosened up the skin, the boiling and chilling contracts it again so it loses any stretch marks and holds tight to the carcass.

I'm not sure if I want to do this before or after adding the butter. My guess (honestly) is that since the butter and salt both go between the meat and skin, it'll work out best if I either:
A) Put the salt on with the skin loosened for one night, add the butter the next day, blanch and chill for a few cycles, then fridge-dry for a second night
B) Just put both on at once, blanch and chill, then fridge-dry for two days before cooking

I'll try both in the next few weeks. I guess I could also try salt, thyme, a bit of pepper, and no butter under the skin, then brush down lightly with fully-melted butter on the outside.


(Need to put glute bridges back in here. Possibly also GHRs)

Overhead Squat:
5x 45

5x 95, 135, 185
3x 225
1x 275, 295, 315, 315, 315
Shouldn't have done the last 315 single.
I'm getting some low back stiffness on these and I suspect it's because of inadequate glute activation (or some positional problems). We'll see.

5x 45, 95
3x 135
1x 160, 185, 185

Lat Pulldown:
10x 70, 70, 70
This felt "proper." That said, it also aggravated my currently iffy rhomboid (Jim did some hardcore release on it yesterday and it's still unhappy).

Seated DB Clean:
10x 7.5, 7.5, 7.5
Probably upping to 10s now that I've gotten used to these again.

Friday, January 11, 2013



3x 135, 185, 225
1x 275 (x10)
Speed pulls, working on form. Having some grip issues. Attempting to do fairly strict negatives, but my grip seems to be a tad limiting there.

Front Squat:
5x 45, 95, 135
3x 185
1x 225, 250, 250
Sticking with triples for the time being. The 1RMs caused some issues in my bad shoulder; I'm not sure what caused it, though I assume it's based on the muscular issues I've developed to compensate for the bad labrum. Hopefully as things get fixed up this will go away, though I don't know if it'd be worth doing a 1RM front squat either way. I only did it today because I forgot I was planning on 3RMs here.

5x 45, 95, 115
Just getting in volume.

10x hands down, hands down, hands down
Aggressive calf stretching between sets (1 minute per side).
Going to stick with this for a few weeks then switch to Vampire.



Overhead Squat:

5x 95, 135, 185
3x 225
1x 275, 295, 305, 315, 325, 335
Got videos on my phone for these; will start uploading stuff like that once I get scheduling all down. Something of a GM effect on the heavier reps - thinking I'll put GHRs on Mondays and Fridays as a hamstring accessory and see how that works out.

5x 45, 95
3x 135
1x 160, 185, 195, 200
First time in a while.

Barbell Row:
10x 95, 95, 95
Nice and easy.

Lat Pulldown:
10x 65, 65, 65
Working on mechanics.

Prospective Weekly Layout

Jotting this down while I wait for some files to upload for work. Then off to PT and then training. Whee!

Sunday - Squat 1RM, Bench 1RM, shoulders
Monday - Speed Pulls 10x1, Front Squat to 3RM, Press, GHR (shoulders during PT)
Tuesday - Squat 1RM, Bench 1RM, shoulders
Wednesday - Squat 3RM, Bench 3RM, shoulders
Thursday - Squat 1RM, Bench 1RM, shoulders
Friday - Speed Pulls 10x1, Front Squat to 3RM, Press, GHR (shoulders during PT)
Saturday - can't decide between 1RM and 3RM

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


Went with triples today.


Overhead Squat:

5x 95, 135
3x 185, 225, 250, 260, 275
Gauging triples for the squat is hard.

5x 45, 95
3x 135, 155, 165, 170, 175
Not as much here, possibly because small increments aren't as much of a mindfuck (squat singles are easy with small increments, fortunately). In retrospect I should have seen this coming.

Seated DB Clean:
10x 7.5, 7.5, 7.5

Lat Pulldown (done as a row):
10x 60, 60, 60
Varied the grips on this just for the hell of it.

Monday, January 7, 2013

1/7/2013, Monday


Overhead Squat

5x 95, 135
3x 185, 225
1x 250, 275, 295, 305
Skeptical of depth on the 305, but historically that still means competition legal. I need to get film in future.

5x 45, 95
3x 135
1x 155, 165, 175, 185, 190, 195

Lat Pulldown:
10x 60, 60, 60
Some of these reps feel a bit weird on my shoulder. If this continues I'll probably ask the guys at PTI about it.

DB Row:
10x 45, 35, 35
Need to remember that the goal with the accessory work is even lighter than it was before.

More Brussels Sprouts

Current recipe version:

Remove stems from sprouts, slice in half, and remove excess leaves. I feed all of the waste to my housemates' rabbit.

Toss with olive oil, salt, and pepper. Today I tried spreading the salt and pepper over the cooking surface, putting the sprouts down, and then sprinkling more salt and pepper over them. This wasn't a particularly good idea.

Put sprouts in pan, face-down. Roast at 450 for 10 minutes.

Remove. Wait for sprouts to cool enough that you can handle them and then add grated cheese. Put back in the pan face-up.

Return to oven and broil on high for five minutes.




Overhead Squat - 45x5

Squat - 95x5, 135x5, 185x3, 225x3, 250x1, 250x1, 275x1, 290x1, 300x1, 315x1, 325x1
Had to repeat the setup for 315 and 325 a few times. This took over an hour. I assume it'll go faster in future.

Bench - 45x5, 95x5, 135x3, 155x1, 165x1, 175x1, 185x1
Easy enough.

Lat Pulldown: 60lbs, 3x10

Seated DB Clean: 9x15lbs, 10x10lbs, 10x7.5lbs
Sweet jesus these got harder.

Going to start out with a lot of rear delt and trap work to assist with bar placement when squatting. Should probably emphasize rows over shrugs for the time being.

Moving to Bulgaria

I did some thinking over the last three weeks of inactivity (one week of Christmas sandwiched between two weeks of being a bitch) and came to the conclusion that an accessory-heavy program with relatively light weights for the competition lifts probably isn't what's needed to keep me in the weightroom (and thus has led to me being a bitch). I hate to say it, but 5-3-1 (for all of its progress merits) probably isn't going to work for me given my current mental issues.

What I think will work for me is the utterly insane idea of training near-maximally seven days per week and approaching things the same way I did when I was (nerd alert) working on my Soldier play for TF2. This is colloquially called Bulgarian training and has a lot in common with Jamie Lewis's stuff (yes, back to him...oh dear). A secondary element here is that I'm basically giving up on any particularly formal programming for a while - I've got some template ideas (one of which I'll start with) but at this point I'm fairly sure that I:
a) Know enough that I can at least avoid crippling myself with this
b) Need to put the hunt for progress-optimal programs on hold and stick with "fun but unpleasant" (or "funpleasant," as I promise never to say again) for a while - presumably at least until my mood stops bouncing around like a yo-yo

Some random T-Nation author put out some guidelines a while back:

The points that I took away:
1) Don't get excited. If you can't calm yourself down for a lift, don't do the lift. I intend to reinforce this by buying some earbuds and playing relaxing music and background noise between sets.
2) Train frequently. I'm planning on 7 days, with two of them lighter and shorter.
3) Emphasize technique. I'm bolstering this by going back to my old practice of repeating sets if I'm not satisfied with my form (up to the point of putting the bar back if I don't feel like I unracked it properly).

My current plan is for Monday and Friday to serve as lighter days (...starting next week). I'm thinking Speed Pulls and Press, since I want to keep pressing and I need to include Deadlifting work somewhere.

The basic layout for each day'll go (in the current iteration):
Squat to a daily training max single or triple
Bench to a daily training max single or triple
Upper back work and shoulder prehab (e.g. shrugs and light pulldowns)

I may put in heavier shrugs one day per week, or something. I'm not sure what I'll do to handle grip.