Wednesday, January 23, 2013



5x 45, 95, 135, 185, 225
3x 275, 315
Fairly easy, and very nice. Having Eric along actually does help here, I think - whether or not the increase in the numbers I'm doing will be reflected in my progress remains to be seen.

10x 45, 55
3x 55
I'm not convinced that this is actually helping; it seems like it's just tiring out the muscles responsible for maintaining position. May switch this to 5x5 (weight approach stays the same).

JM Press:
3x 45, 65, 75
Feeling this very strongly in the triceps tendons, especially at the heavier weights. They're "knocking" something in my elbow - if I start to develop any kind of problems there I'll switch them out for something else (probably floorcrushers).

3, 2, 3, 2, 2
Need to do more of these.
The guy squatting behind me in the 315 video figured out my (universal) online username just from my name - apparently he reads my posts on reddit (which is pretty scary, because said posts are few and far between) and figured out that I'm jonnosferatu just from my name. Very strange.

10x 20s, 20s, 20s
Rest-pausing here. I'll up to 25 once I can do them continuously, I guess.

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