Friday, January 11, 2013



3x 135, 185, 225
1x 275 (x10)
Speed pulls, working on form. Having some grip issues. Attempting to do fairly strict negatives, but my grip seems to be a tad limiting there.

Front Squat:
5x 45, 95, 135
3x 185
1x 225, 250, 250
Sticking with triples for the time being. The 1RMs caused some issues in my bad shoulder; I'm not sure what caused it, though I assume it's based on the muscular issues I've developed to compensate for the bad labrum. Hopefully as things get fixed up this will go away, though I don't know if it'd be worth doing a 1RM front squat either way. I only did it today because I forgot I was planning on 3RMs here.

5x 45, 95, 115
Just getting in volume.

10x hands down, hands down, hands down
Aggressive calf stretching between sets (1 minute per side).
Going to stick with this for a few weeks then switch to Vampire.

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