Wednesday, January 30, 2013


Warmup - Shoulders 3x5s, Bridge 3x10s

Squat -
5x 45, 95, 135, 185
3x 225
1x 275, 315, 330, 335, 335, 345, 345
Felt REALLY good today, up to the 275 sets. Discovered that my stance probably needs to be a bit closer than it has been.
Food and such helped a bit here, but I have a strong suspicion that yesterday also served as an informal deload.

Floorcrusher -
5x 35, 55
3x 65, 65, 65
1x 75
3x 70
Doing these in place of JMs. Really need to get up to doing 75x3 consistently so I can use the nicer bar (weighs 25lbs whereas this one's more like 15; 25s on each side is fairly important because the bar hits my head otherwise).

Chin -
3 ~10-second holds

Lat Pulldown -
10x 65, 65, 65
Third set was done as a mid-grip chin. That was the only set on which I could feel my right scapula. This is bad. Going back to doing these every day, and actually integrating the stuff I'm supposed to be doing to work on stabilization (basically planks and birddogs).

Face Pull -
10x 10, 10, 10
Same as above. I did these three exercises as a circuit, so...yeah.

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