Sunday, January 27, 2013


Warmup - Shoulders 3x5s, Glute Bridge 10x5s

Squat -
5x 45, 95, 135, 185
3x 225
1x 275, 315, 335, 345, 355, 365
Videos upcoming for 315 onward.
These were all done in the main room the RSF (usually I lift in the Annex). My old 365 rep was done in there too, but I'm guessing that was with a different bar because this one SUCKED. The rough areas were almost smoothed over, and it made setting up properly quite difficult.
365 felt like shit but 345 was probably the best heavy squat I've ever done.
I cut depth somewhat on these (though Eric insists they're still legal, and considering how deep I usually squat I'm inclined to believe him). Incidentally, I also don't have any back pain now.

JM -
5x 45
3x 65, 75, 80, 82.5
1x 87.5
Still not convinced I've got the form down here.

Face Pull:
10x 10, 10, 10
With holds. Got some mild twinges in the right shoulder on a few of these, but it was generally gone by the last set.

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