Sunday, January 20, 2013


Overhead Squat:
5x 45, 70

5x 95, 135, 185
3x 225
1x 275, 315, 325, 340, 350365
Some technical breakdown at the heavier weights, but I felt justified in going high. My mental state going in was (and now's confession time on how much my brain can try to fuck with me) essentially "You're a worthless sub-human freak who doesn't deserve to feel normal or happy." It was bad enough that I wound up pulling a moronically emo move and actually writing "You are worthless" somewhere on a previous page.
Somewhere around the 340 mark I annotated today's entry with "Who the fuck are you calling worthless?" and then added some more plates.

5x 45, 95
3x 135
1x 185, 185
The annex was closed, so I was stuck benching on the one I used to use with Saarni in the main room. The contrast was really, really extreme - this one's slightly lower and dramatically firmer and more slippery. I actually slipped noticeably during the first single (and thus decided not to push for any PRs).

Then I started to teach a newbie how to bench properly. Only had about five minutes and his English is a tad broken, but he got better.

My shoulder's been feeling less stable for the last few days; I think something at PT actually made it worse on Friday. It's also very possible that practicing basic skills in TF2 2-3 times every day has been damaging it.

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