Tuesday, March 4, 2014

2014-03-03 Bench


Bench -
I'm going to start pulling the music out here; not because I need the input, but because I need to get in the habit of amping up going into my work sets.
Some of these felt technically questionable, but no real big deal besides that.

Pull-Up -
8, 8, 7, 7

Front Raise -
These felt about as hard as they did last time; I think I'll go for sets of 10 for a bit before jumping to 22.5s.

Decline Swiss Bar Extension -
I have no idea how much this bar weighs; ones online run from 15lbs to 30 (supposedly). I'll compare it with the dumbbells to get an idea.
(I guess I could load them up with weight and see where my grip fails, actually)

Cardio: Erg -
5m @ 3:30
10m @ 2:30
5m @ 3:30
4x(90s@1:50-2:05, 90s@active rest)
Drinking and toweling myself off on the erg are both really, really inconvenient. I managed to keep the timer going better this time, but I'm going to ask the Dragon Boat folks if they have any tricks.
I also don't think I pushed myself as hard as I could have here; I opened the first interval at 1:40, but wound up in the 2:00-2:05 range for the last on and got off feeling reasonably unwinded. My legs were giving out a bit more than usual thanks to squatting yesterday, but I still feel like I let myself off the hook for the later intervals. That might just be my cardio exceeding my legs, though.

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