Wednesday, March 19, 2014

2014-03-19 Accessory Work (and some programming notes)


Pull-Up -
9, 8, 7, 7
2 minutes' rest for 1-3, 3 for 4. Sticking with 3 in future; ideally I'd like to move this to the morning workout, but that'll take some work on timing for those sets.

Pistol -
Each set took somewhere in the 2-3 minute range. I think the chucks throw my balance off a bit, but either way it's ludicrously hard for me to stay stable doing these. I'm going to class these as prehab along with the single-leg RDLs and progress them onto a bosu ball once I've got them down continuously with a good arch and good posture (and possibly some weight - hopefully that'll force me to stop keeling to the side).

Curl -
Continuous, 7+1, 6+2 (technically the right side failed, but only just).

Pulldown Ab - 95x8
Leg Raise - 8
Hanging Leg Raise - 7
Leg Raise - 2
I'm still not convinced on how to do these.

And then I ran out of time.

I see a few lessons here, and some insights:
1) I really, really need to keep doing the pistols. Given how easy the physical motion is, that and the single-leg RDLs might be best-placed on off-days as rehab.
2) Best-case scenario, I find a way to get pull-ups in with the main lift each day (presumably by reducing warmup sets) and do the entire evening as a bodybuilding-style accessory workout or something.
3) Until I move the pull-ups, I'm going back to the old version - with warmup and prehab I've got maybe 35 minutes to go through the main exercises, which locks me down at 3 (potentially 4, if I cut rest down a bit). I can experiment with that as it goes, but for now I'll just have to investigate shortening the warmups.

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